Parenting Playlist They grow up so fast! That infant I adopted at birth is now in 10th grade! A high schooler! And also a teenager. Remember the terrible twos? Now I see those were the easy days! These years are much tougher. Our poor kids have so much more to deal with then we ever […]
Top Five Reasons Why You Should Add Your Teen As An Additional Card Member!
This post was created in partnership with American Express. Our son just turned 15. Our family life changes all the time as our son is growing up, and financial responsibility is something we have talked about for many years, and now we have a great chance to teach him how to handle money (and the […]
Straight Talk Wireless Saves Me Money So I Can Pay For Paul’s HS Lunch! #StraightToSchool @MyStraightTalk #ad
We are about to go through a huge transition in our home as our teenage son is about to start High School. Communication is going to become even more important as his new school is across town, it is no longer across the street, as it has been for nine years. Where are you, what […]