“From Marvel, the studio that launched the epic franchises of “Iron Man,” “Thor,” “Captain America” and “Marvel’s The Avengers,” comes an unlikely new team—the “Guardians of the Galaxy.” The Marvel Cinematic Universe expands into the cosmos when brash space adventurer Peter Quill steals a coveted orb and becomes the object of a relentless bounty hunt. […]
Search Results for: @guardians #guardiansofthegalaxyevent
Vin Diesel Voices Groot in 5 Languages! @Guardians #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
I have seen the movie, trust me, to know Groot is to love Groot! Plus I interviewed Vin Diesel and he was awesome. Check that out here and you might understand how amazing this voice work is! And the movie opens today!!! Brazillian Portugese: French: Russian: Spanish:
#IAMGROOT! See Baby Groot Dance – I Cry With Joy Every Time! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent @Guardians
I saw this movie for the second time this past Monday afternoon! It was my son’s first time, he was away at sleep away camp and was dying to see Guardians of the Galaxy, especially since we had just listened to the awesome mixed tape in the car the day before! AND! Did you know […]
@Guardians of the Galaxy Toys from @HasbroNews! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
Disclosure: Disney invited me on a press trip and paid all of my expenses. No other compensation was received. All opinions are always 100% my own and honest. These toys were sent as part of the press trip.
@Guardians of the Galaxy Featurette: Check the Milano, Yo! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
I am thrilled because I just received the toy version of the Milano! See the movie now! It is officially a blockbuster!
Director James Gunn’s Blockbuster @Guardians of the Galaxy! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent @JamesGunn
The bloggers interviewed Mr. Gunn about two weeks ago. A lot has happened since. Guardians of the Galaxy opened to great reviews, and then went on to become the highest grossing opening for an August release. What a great birthday present for Mr. Gunn, his birthday was yesterday! To be fair, we all suspected this […]
Nebula! @KarenGillan2! @Guardians of the Galaxy! Wordless Linky! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
After filming had been completed last year. At The Guardians of the Galaxy Premiere in LA 2 weeks ago!
Chatting With @DaveBautista “Drax!” @Guardians of the Galaxy #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
6’5, 270 pound ex WWE wrestler and MMA fighter, Dave Bautista, came walking into the room. He was a sweetheart of a gentle giant! My first question was about his physique. I asked how long he spent in the gym! I was surprised by his answer, he said he workouts all the time, but not […]
@Guardians of the Galaxy, the Lego Version! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
Created by Marvel and Lego fan, YouTube star Forrest Whaley!
@Guardians of the Galaxy Opens Today! Science Fiction Never Looked So Hot! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
“From Marvel, the studio that brought you the global blockbuster franchises of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers, comes a new team—the Guardians of the Galaxy. An action-packed, epic space adventure, Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” expands the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the cosmos, where brash adventurer Peter Quill finds himself the object of an unrelenting […]
Chatting With @ZoeSaldana About Gamora! @Guardians of the Galaxy #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent
Zoe Saldana plays Gamora in the Guardians of the Galaxy. She is first perceived to be an enemy but we quickly find out that she is one of the good guys. Zoe was quite clear with us – when she first read the script: “I spoke to James and I read the script and liked […]
Chatting With Chris Pratt About @Guardians of the Galaxy! #GuardiansoftheGalaxyEvent @PrattPrattPratt
This was my second movie interview with Chris Pratt, you may remember we met him last year to chat about his role in Delivery Man. The excitement in the room was extremely high this time as Mr. Pratt was now coming to speak to us as the star of this movie, his first time as […]
“I AM GROOT” Hanging with Vin Diesel! #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent @Guardians
He plays a tree. In fact, he only voices a tree. A tree with only 3 words repeated over and over again in the movie, “I am Groot.” How do you interview an actor with that as the background plot? Well, first of all, it is Vin Diesel. This guy blew it out of the […]