Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service with other 10,000 florist shops in their network throughout North America, has launched their Mother’s Day campaign showcasing in its latest ode to Mom titled, “Role of a Lifetime.” Directed by two-time Academy Award-winning American film director Barbara Kopple, three working-actress moms receive an emotional surprise when they audition for a Teleflora commercial, which is actually a filmed social experiment.
In the commercial, Teleflora hosts a casting call for the role of Lilly, a mom struggling to make ends meet. Those who made it to the callbacks were asked to read a letter, which is met with teary eyes as they soon realize it’s not a script, but an authentic letter written to them from their child. The spot captures the moment when the actresses realize that they are not auditioning for the part but have been living this role of a lifetime—no casting calls, callbacks, or approvals required.
A Teleflora Bouquet is the perfect Mother’s Day gift!
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive a lovely Mother’s Day flower bouquet from Teleflora! Mother’s Day arrangements are pictured above, take your pick of one of these five choices!
Contest ends 11:59 p.m. EST, May 1, 2022. Prizes must be claimed within 48 hours. Maximum winnings of 2 giveaways per every 90 days. See official rules for more information.
Teleflora Mother’s Day Bouquet Giveaway!
Thanks, and good luck.
Joe K says
Awesome contest
Margaret Smith says
So excited about this contest. Absolutely love flowers. Thanks for this chance.
Amanda F McCullough says
Thank you.
Kristen Stanley says
Always a nice way to let Mom know you love her and care.
Chad Boyd says
I am SUPER excited for a chance to gift this to a very special mom. 🙂
Penny Branson LeBaron says
I love to gift my mom flowers so I am VERY excited, ineffably so!
mami2jcn says
I’m very excited about this giveaway. Flowers would be nice to send to my mother-in-law.
Didi Marie says
My mama is 92 and I always regard each Mother’s Day as potentially our last together. She DESERVES the most special treatment!
Nickie says
So excited about this contest. Absolutely love flower! Thanks for the chance
Angela Davis says
Super excited about this! love your webpage!
David Basile says
Excited for a nice gift for mom
Susan Turner says
What a wonderful prize. My mother would love this so much. Thank you!
Steph says
I am excited, fresh flowers always make a nice gift.
Surbhi K. says
Love it!
Julie Bickham says
This would make a great gift for my mother.
Gal Colleen says
Nice giveaway!
Susan Smith says
I’m excited about his giveaway!
Linda Everson says
I am excited for a chance to win.
paige chandler says
Very excited. Me and mom love flowers. xxoo
Steven Cohen says
good deal
Wendy M says
I would love to win this.
julie p says
perfect for Mother’s Day
Paula says
I would really love to win this. Thanks for the chance.
Susan Ladd says
I am very excited about Teleflora Mother’s Day Bouquet Giveaway!! Thanks for this awesome giveaway.
Ann Fantom says
I’m excited to win because I would love to send my mom some flowers
Janice Wright says
I am extremely excited about this giveaway!
Natalie says
I am SO excited for this giveaway because I would LOVE to send my mom flowers for Mothers Day!
jane jakins says
Lance Saltzman says
I’m very excited
Jack Riddle says
This is awesome!
liz minx says
Oh I’d love this. I’d send flowers to my parents
Lorene Fite says
Flowers are a lovely gift
Dana says
Could really use this as a pick-me-up
Elena Kay Hirsch says
I would love to win this contest <3
Seyma Bennett says
I love Teleflora! They have the best flowers!
Sarah L says
I will give this to my best friend. She needs a pick-me-up.
Thanks for the contest.
Sarah L says
That movie made me cry. I miss my mom.
Nichole says
I’m so excited for this giveaway. I would love to gift my mom a special bouquet for Mother’s Day. Thank you for the chance!
Tina D says
It’s been so long since I’ve been able to see my beautiful 88 year old mom. I would ;love the opportunity to do something special for her. She deserves the world.
kathy m says
this is an awesome opportunity to visually remind Mom how much she is loved and appreciated for all the things she does!
Christopher S says
This would be great to win. Mom always deserves flowers 🙂
Terri Bollin says
Very excited YAY!!!!!
Kristy Wolfgang says
I am very excited about this giveaway. I really love flowers and enjoy displaying them.
Katherine Leo says
Thanks for the chance to win good luck to everyone
Rena Walter says
I am very excited about this giveaway, your best one yet!
Richard Hicks says
I am very excited. PERFECT gift for a Mom!
Kim Davis says
Very excited. I would love this for my mother.
kathy agate says
flowers brighten spirits, so excited!
Aleksandra Nearing says
Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to send some flowers to my mom!
bn100 says
how nice
Leo Pierson says
Leanne Robinson says
I am so excited for this! This is an awesome gift for any mom!
Tom H. says
How excited am I for this bouquet giveaway?…mums the word.
Teena Sierson says
I am very excited about this giveaway since I never get flowers unless I buy them for myself
jennifer cervantes says
I am excited! I love flowers,
Antoinette M says
I am very excited about this giveaway!
Amber Lee Kolb says
I’m totally stoked!! They have such gorgeous bouquets!
Betty Duncan says
Beautiful Gifts!
jeanna says
I’m excited! I love gifting flowers!
Shelly Peterson says
I’m excited for the giveaway
Tina says
Really want this
Tammy Greer says
I’m so thrilled with this giveaway and would love to win a gorgeous flower arrangement for my most deserving mama! She’s 83 years old and has a heart of gold. She’s the glue that binds our family together and we all love her so much.!
Shakeia Rieux says
I am very excited about the giveaway!
Lynda says
super excited about this giveaway!! would love to win!
Darlene Carbajal says
Super excited!
CB says
This giveaway is just in time!
Angelica Dimeo says
I am very excited
Julie Waldron says
I’m very excited, I love flowers!
heather says
I am super excited about this giveaway this would make mother’s day here so wonderful thanks for the chance.
Katie says
I would love to send to my mom for mother’s day. Perfect surprise!
Kathy Donley says
I am so excited to win this. My sister has been sick for some time now and I don’t live near her. If I won this would surly brighten up her day
Ken Ohl says
Love to win this for my wife
James Coyne says
I can certainly use it
Kim Avery says
I would be ecstatic if I won! My mom has had a rough year and just had hip surgery which isn’t going according to plan. I would love to surprise her with flowers!
Sherry says
I am very excited about this giveaway.
Allyson Tice says
I Love flowers! Im SUPER DUPER excited!!!!!!!!!!!
Deb Pelletier says
The fifth question won’t enter for me. .???
Lori byrd says
What a great giveaway for mothers day.
Karen R says
I am excited for this giveaway. The flowers are beautiful. I don’t know how I could choose among those shown.
Jessica W. says
I would love to gift these flowers, I am super excited about this giveaway.
Vic says
Thank you!
birgette oster says
super excited for this
Shelley b. says
🌸mom would love any of these beautiful arrangements 🌸
Elissa Hammond says
Awesome giveaway!
Christine Weary says
Such beautiful arrangements
Kathy Emerick says
Oh boy, that would make my day!
Pam W. says
I’m super excited. Love sending flowers.
Anita C says
I love having fresh beautiful flowers in my home. Teleflora has so many gorgeous arrangements to choose from
Jessica Harris says
Flowers are my favorite gift for all occasions!
Erica G. says
I’m so excited for this giveaway!
diane sabatini says
I adore flowers so this is very exciting; thanks.
Karen Propes says
They always have the best flowers! Thanks for the chance.
Jean D. says
Fresh flowers! It’s been way too long since I’ve seen any around my house. Thanks for the reminder that I NEED them.
Ej says
Awesome giveaway
Judy Gregory says
I’m so excited. And I just can’t hid it.
Paula S. says
Absolutely beautiful! I am always excited to get flowers!
Aurora B says
I am very excited about this contest. The flowers and the vases are beautiful.
Susan McNeill says
I would love to win these for my mom! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Timothy Glenn says
love to have more flowers for my mom
Deborah Cochran says
I am so excited to be able to enter this contest! I would love to surprise my daughter with flowers for Mother’s Day for the first time as she is always surprising me with beautiful bouquets.
Corey Olomon says
I would love to send this to my mother.
Margaret Porter Mclachlan says
Very Excited! I would gift these to my daughter. She is the best Mom I know!
Leigh Nichols says
I would LOVE to be able to give my Mom some lovely flowers <3
Julieh says
I’d be so excited to send mom a beautiful bouquet.
Beth Minyard says
Can’t go wrong with some gorgeous flowers!
Pamela Sloss says
This is awesome!
Kriss K says
How excited? You have no idea! SUPER excited!