Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service with other 10,000 florist shops in their network throughout North America has launched their Valentine’s Day campaign. Teleflora partnered with Emmy Award-winning host, comedian, and author Loni Love to encourage women to #LoveOutLoud this Valentine’s Day and uplift others in their lives. Throughout our digital lives we overshare everything, except our feelings for the ones we love. In its newest campaign, “Love Out Loud Truck,” Teleflora is encouraging you to go overboard and shower the special people in your lift with love – one handmade, hand-delivered Teleflora bouquet at a time.
I am thrilled to be sharing this information with you! I am a huge fan of Loni Love, ever since I first heard her hilarious work on The Chelsea Handler show years ago! Now I love watching her on The Real!
In the ad spot, Loni takes to the streets of Los Angeles in Teleflora’s Love Out Loud truck to surprise women and share unexpected compliments and bouquets. We see heartwarming moments of how flowers and a special gesture can bring people together and start a movement. As Love journeys around the city, something beautiful happens — women start complimenting one another and the rest is all smiles and tears.
See Loni and Teleflora uplift incredible women this Valentine’s Day in the Teleflora Love Out Loud Truck. What started with flowers and compliments became something amazing:
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One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive their choice of one of the above four bouquets!
Contest ends 11:59 p.m. EST, February 6, 2022. Prizes must be claimed within 48 hours. Maximum winnings of 2 giveaways per every 90 days. See official rules for more information.
Teleflora Valentine’s Day Giveaway!
Thanks, and good luck.
Surbhi K. says
So beautiful!!
Karen R says
I am very excited. The flowers are beautiful.
I never get flowers so this would be nice!
Wendy R. says
I so love flowers! But more importantly I love to gift them even better. Thank you
Laura Collins says
Flowers I wish my house was filled with them
Margaret Smith says
This is such an awesome giveaway. Flowers are one of my favorites!
Steph says
I am excited, I would love to send some flowers.
Alex says
I’m very excited! Those bouquets are really lovely.
bn100 says
Amber Lee Kolb says
This is so nice!! I’m super duper excited!!
Karen Propes says
I’m so excited, getting flowers is such a great feeling. Thanks for the chance.
Chad Boyd says
I am SO excited for the chance to be able to give this to my sweetheart!
Ann Fantom says
I’m excited to win because I love to give flowers as gifts
Dana says
These will be the only gift I’ll get for V-day
Laurie Nykaza says
I love flowers and they have so many arrangements I would love to have .
Frankie Pinnix says
I’m very excited about this giveaway! Fresh flowers is a luxury I don’t receive very often!
Susan McNeill says
I would love to send a beautiful bouquet to my mom. She’s had a rough year. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Lori Byrd says
I love to get and give flowers. So excited.
Diane Sabatini says
This would be much needed and appreciated; I love flowers.
mami2jcn says
I’m very excited about the giveaway. Flowers make nice gifts.
Stacey McCrary says
I’m SO SO SO excited. I know exactly who i would give these to!
Barbara Lima says
I would love flowers!
Rena Walter says
We are excited to win this giveaway, it is snowing in NC today so we are looking forward to warmer weather next week, and the smell of fresh roses would be welcome!
Donna L says
I am very excited about this giveaway!
Linda Everson says
I am very excited. Thanks for the giveaway.
Robin M says
Love fresh flowers
Nancy Rexroad says
kathy agate says
I love Teleflora flowers, so beautiful!
Jeanna Massman says
Beautiful flowers! Thank you so much!
Kim Avery says
I’m really excited for this giveaway! If I were to win I would send my mom a bouquet!
Kari B says
I’m excited, because this would make a wonderful gift for my mother’s birthday.
Anita C says
I love flowers. All kinds. Unfortunately so does my cat whom loves to swat at them haha
Kathy Emerick says
Thanks for the chance.
jennifer cervantes says
I am excited, I love fresh flowers.
Teena Sierson says
I love flowers and these are so beautiful
Eva Mack says
that time of year
Kelly Wach says
I am getting over Covid.. I need something to look forward to.. this would be awesome..
jessica l marinaccio says
Im super excited – never do i get flowers but i so enjoy them
Pam w. says
I am super excited.
Shakeia Rieux says
I am very excited!
Paula says
I don’t have anyone to give me flowers, so this would be much appreciated.
Cynthia C says
I am very excited for this giveaway.
iliana b. says
I love flowers and very excited for this giveaway!
Amanda McCullough says
Thank you for the chance to win.
Mia Rose says
I am excited about this giveaway.
Nickie says
I love to get and give flowers. So excited.
Julie Bickham says
I would love to win this so I can flowers to my mom.
Deborah Cochran says
I am so excited to hopefully win a chance to send my daughter a Valentine’s bouquet. She is always treating me and this would be such a surprise!
laurie damrose says
I would love to win this,they have beautiful flowers.
ae Minx says
Their flowers are so pretty. This would be wonderful!
Leigh Nichols says
I’m excited because it’s a chance to win so I can send flowers to my Mama, which I normally would not be able to afford. Thank you for that chance!
Rania R. says
I am very excited. I love flowers.
heather says
I am super excited about this giveaway thank you for the chance to win this one it sure would make my day.
Pat F says
I love plants and flowers Great Giveaway! TY
Ken Ohl says
excited love to get my wife flowers
paige chandler says
Very excited. Flowers make the world a better place.
Very excited.
Kristy Wolfgang says
I would love flowers delivered to me. I am very excited for this chance to win.
Margaret Porter Mclachlan says
I would be very excited to win these to send to my daughter
gloria patterson says
very excited would be special to have
Shelly Peterson says
I’m excited for the giveaway
Stephanie Beaver says
I would love something so beautiful!
Kim Davis says
I would be so excited to send this to my daughter. ty
sherry1969 says
I am very excited about this giveaway.
wen budro says
I am very excited about this giveaway. I would love to gift someone with a beautiful bouquet.
JULIE P says
Deb Pelletier says
I am very excited about this giveaway. I love Flowers.
Christy R. says
Very excited ! ! !
Rita M says
Very excited… what’s not to love about beautiful flowers!
Aleksandra Nearing says
I’m excited, I love flowers!
Chelle says
Flowers anytime of year is lovely! Thanks!
Kelly Dykes says
I am very excited. The flowers are beautiful.
Barb popescu says
Oooh. They look so pretty!
Tina says
Love this
Ed says
Kristen says
Great giveaway!
I love sending flowers!
Julie Flora says
I love Flowers, i hope to win!!! Thanks for the chance
Stephanie Bryant says
I love this giveaway so cute
nbo says
very exciting
Marisela Zuniga says
These are beautiful bouquets! I would love to win one for my mom
Rajee Pandi says
I am so excited to win
Tara Enright says
I love flowers I can’t remember the last time I received them probably when my mom-mom passed. Flowers are always beautiful to give and receive.
melikegarfield says
I’ve got lots of flowers to get for important women in my life. Teleflora provides a GREAT service. Big fan of the contest and fingers-crossed to win!
Gloria Walshver says
I would love this bouquet, its simply beautiful
Lauren says
Happy Valentines Day. What a great giveaway.
jennifer galindo says
I rarely get flowers so I would love to gift a bouquet of flowers. I would keep a few and then give a few to my SIL, Mother, and stepmom.
Natalie says
I would love to win this so I can flowers to my mom for Valentine’s Day!
Tami Vollenweider says
I love flowers and would really make my day to win!!!
Angela Higginbotham says
Love flowers!!!! So excited. This is the best giveaway!!!!
Christie Lombardo says
I am very excited for this giveaway
Shelley B says
Flowers are perfect way to spread cheer and show appreciation- I would totally use to send flowers to my mom – she’s been so helpful to me 2021 & my lifetime!
Shelley B says
Flowers are perfect way to spread cheer and show appreciation- I would totally use to send flowers to my mom – she’s been so helpful to me 2021 & my lifetime! 💐🌺🌸🌼🌻🌹🌷
Jamie Martin says
I’d love to win this!
Sasha l says
so beautiful
Brandy Crabtree says
I’d love to gift these to my besties!
Shana Stiles says
These flowers are beautiful and so are the vases! I’ve never received a bouquet of flowers before and I wouldn’t be mad about it if I did! These are stunning 🙂
birgette oster says
wuld be great to win
Jean D. says
What a fun prize! Thanks for the opportunity to make someone’s day.
Marc H. says
Need to find a Valentine ❤ to send these to if I win! Thanks for the giveaway! 🌹🌹🌹
Lisa M says
These flowers are grog – I love the pink vases
Sarah L says
I’d give this to my best friend.
Thanks for the contest.
Sarah L says
subscribe email: slehan at yahoo dot com
Michael DeFren says
lovely. im so excited
RochelS says
So excited! Love flowers!
Tina F says
So excited. I love to send flowers to my family.
Tara S says
Excited! Would love to gift this (:
Antoinette M says
I’m very excited about this giveaway!
Richard Hicks says
I am very excited. I love their flowers.
Susan Smith says
I’m excited about this giveaway as Valentines day is also my anniversary too!
Audrey Stewart says
They are all so beautiful, but I love the pink vase.
Lula Ruger says
Super excited
Corey Olomon says
I would love to send these to my mother.
Kriss K says
I am very excited at the thought of sending flowers to my mom.
Shari Klyn says
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope you all get some flowers or candy!
Aubrey Scott- Daniels says
I love the smell of fresh flowers!! They are beautiful too!
Lin Pieper says
Ooh, love this !! Flowers are the best !
Cliff Plummer says
love to send flowers to my fiance !
Lacey Bundschuh says
WOW I never get flowers. I use to go once a week to the local florist and purchase a bouquet of flowers I had picked in the store, then break it down into 3 vases to make my home feel more “Homely”. After moving, I no longer do this as the florist isn’t anywhere near by. Oh how I miss doing so.
Brigitte Bauman says
I am very excited for the chance to win the Teleflora Valentine’s Day Giveaway because I love fresh flowers.
Jennifer Belanger says
Thank you Good Luck all
Jenny S says
I could use a pop of color on my kitchen table.
Amy Nick says
I am very excited ! The flowers are so pretty !
Annmarie Weeks says
I’m excited! I’d love to give one of these to my mom!
Judy Gregory says
I could pee my pants.
Katie Bellamy says
I’d be excited if I got flowers! 🙂
Julieh says
I’m excited because I love to send flowers!