To me the strangest is the deer! Because before TEX we lived in the forest, and the deer were th neighborhood gang. Now I think about it though, even there they would find a dry place, till the rain was over.! Oh, I am the one who you linked to last week, and could not find were to comment (I wrote you, did you get it?) – sorry am late, but my linky is open till Friday:)
Lauren Sparks says
So funny.
Junie/jesh says
To me the strangest is the deer! Because before TEX we lived in the forest, and the deer were th neighborhood gang. Now I think about it though, even there they would find a dry place, till the rain was over.! Oh, I am the one who you linked to last week, and could not find were to comment (I wrote you, did you get it?) – sorry am late, but my linky is open till Friday:)
Laura Collins says
That was great to see
Colleen Galatola says
Great site!
CharleneWagner says
Omg Rolf ! Never would I thought you were this funny 😄
Cheryl Sutton says
Made me chuckel Laugh!
Kristina says
I love these, they are hilarious!
Karen Propes says
Great ones, mine broke too, send him over when he finishes at your house.
Trisha Pool says
LOL. These are hilarious! I wish I could come up with ones like these!
Carlos Balboa says
These are great
Valerie Ann says
love it
You crack me up!! Keep up the good work! Love you.
Christine Weary says
Love these hilarious
Jacqueline Smith says
Thanks for sharing, amazing site.
Kathy downey says
Thanks for the morning chuckle!
Deb Pelletier says
Thanks for the LOLs
Jenn says
Best thread !! Love this ❤️
Frances Maltos says
Lol Love those they are great
Laura Collins says
Unfortunately the math for dummies looks so true
Marty Harris says
Good ones
Pamela Chambers says
More good laughs… ty