Spread the love during this pandemic with a beautiful bouquet from Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service. The perfect gift for those of us in quarantine, your loved ones will see that you are thinking of them during these trying times! With whomever you’re celebrating with, a Teleflora bouquet – always made by hand and hand-delivered by a local florist – is the ultimate gifting experience that will make anyone feel special and cherished.
Teleflora’s new Mother’s Day campaign, “A Mother’s Love,” celebrates real moms (and dads!) everywhere who have taken remarkable measures to create normalcy for their families during a time of uncertainty. Overnight, moms & dads became homeschool teachers, birthday parade organizers, and virtual event organizers, as their children became their new office mates. Like always, moms & dads didn’t miss a beat when the world turned upside down, and they are doing everything they can to make sure their children will remember the love and laughter that made this time a happy time at home.
Sending flowers to a loved one is perfect during these stressful times! LOVE OUT LOUD this Mother’s Day and every day to make your loved ones feel special with a Teleflora bouquet. To place your order for a beautiful floral arrangement made by hand and delivered by your local florist, please visit www.teleflora.com.
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive a $100 Teleflora Gift Code! Sending fresh flowers from Teleflora is the perfect gift!
Mandatory Entries: Sign up for my blog via subscription and confirm your subscription!
Contest ends 11:59 p.m. EST, May 24, 2020. Prizes must be claimed within 48 hours. Maximum winnings of 2 giveaways per every 90 days. See official rules for more information.
$100 Teleflora Gift Card Giveaway!
Thanks and good luck.
Diane Sabatini says
I would love to see this on my table every morning; thanks.
mami2jcn says
I’m very excited about the giveaway. My daughter loves flowers.
Anne Higgins says
I am very excited at the chance to win this prize. If I am chosen, I would send my daughter and daughter in law, flowers to remind them how much they are loved. They are great moms, caring wives and hard working nurses at the hospitals in their areas., Thanks for this great chance to win a lovely prize.
Deb K says
This would be awesome to win!!
Kim Avery says
I am very excited to win! My mother in law turns 90 on Mother’s Day and we were planning a big celebration. This would help buy flowers for her when we all can finally get together again!
jeanna says
I’m excited! They have beautiful arrangements!
Jenny Q. says
I love giving flowers to my mom on Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day won’t be the same as every other year but I am going to try to figure out a way to celebrate with her from a distance.
Jennylyn Gross says
this would be such a treat for me
Surbhi K. says
My mom would be so surprised!
Lula Ruger says
So excited ! Fresh flowers ….the perfect gift
paige chandler says
Very very excited. I love flowers
Tom H. says
Roses are red. Sunflowers are yellow. Thanks for the chance to win, my fine fellow.
Amber G. says
Thanks for the opportunity
dana says
I’m excited for Starbucks to reopen … someday soon
Shelly Peterson says
I am excited for the giveaway
Jessica Staley says
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and all the people that step in and assume the mothering roll.
Sadie Taylor says
I love flowers
Kristen says
This is the BEST prize! My mom LOVES getting flowers.
Mia E. says
I am excited about this Teleflora Giveaway.
heather says
I am super excited about this giveaway thank you so much for the chance.
Sherry says
I’m very excited for this giveaway.
Barbara Lima says
I’m as giddy as a gibbeon.
Holly R says
I would love to win this! I have a mother and a mother in law I’d like to spoil with some beautiful flowers! <3 Thanks for this opportunity to win!
Donna Teller says
I am very excited about this giveaway because I would love to get my mom some flowers.
Robert T. says
How awesome is this giveaway! So Exciting
Donna L says
Great prize! So excited!
Tina F says
This is the best giveaway of the year. I love to send flowers to friends and family. Flowers make everyone happy
Peggy Johnson says
I’m very excited for this giveaway. My mom’s birthday is 2 days after Mother’s Day, so this would be perfect for her
Sarah L says
I want to send one to my best friend who has been cooped up in her house for almost 8 weeks.
Thanks for the contest.
Sarah L says
subscribe email: slehan at yahoo dot com
Christie Lombardo says
I am very excited for this giveaway
Eva Mack says
yes…excited for Mother’s Day.
Karen R says
I am very, very excited. Thank you for offering this giveaway.
CarlaG says
I’d love to send my mom flowers and send myself a little something. I haven’t gotten flowers in over 10 years.
starchelle haynes says
In am excited about the giveaway i love flowers
Robyn Wright says
I so adore having fresh flowers in the house! How can you not be happy and smile when you see them?
christy gamber says
This would be amazing
Angela Kern says
Very excited for this one!! Love flowers!!
I would love to win so I can share this with my siser
Linda Everson says
I am excited. I love flowers
Monja Blue says
I’m delighted that you are sponsoring this generous giveaway. Would love to win it!
Jonathan Berg says
Very excited for this contest
Prerna Mehta says
Beautiful flowers. I would like to participate. I love the flowers.
Elizabeth Owens says
I have a lot of different important days I will need to buy flowers for, including mother’s day, so this giveaway has me so excited seeing all the pretty bouquets.
Bernardina Sims says
I love to send people flowers for all occasions so this would be so perfect!
Barbara Pacific says
I am so excited about this giveaway. I love flowers, and I grow flowers. I really want flowers all the time but nobody ever buys me any.
Dana Rodriguez says
Very excited. I love their arrangements!
Lisa K says
I would honestly use this for myself for Mother’s Day. I just recovered from covid-19, not even a week ago, and I had to also take care of son who had it while I was sick. This is my first Mother’s Day without my mom, and I think I deserve to treat myself!
Alissa Apel says
My Mom would love it if I sent her $100 worth of flowers!
Carey Cole says
So excited! I love fresh flowers–to give them and receive them!
Debra Guillen says
I love flowers!
angie lilly says
I would love to win this. There are always events like funerals, birthdays, mother’s day, etc. that require flowers and this gift card would be awesome to have on hand to use!
Margaret Smith says
I’m very excited about this giveaway. If I won, I would send the flowers to my Aunt who just turned 100. She’s like a Mom to my husband and I and a Grandma to our children. She adores flowers and these would really brighten up her day. Thanks for this chance.
Misty says
What an awesome giveaway! I’d love to gift my Mom some flowers for Mother’s Day.
I love flowers.
Ann Fantom says
I’m excited to win because I like to send flowers as gifts
Maureen Blatz says
Thank you the flowers will be wonderful
Kelly says
So excited about this giveaway!
Nancy Steward says
I would love to win this. I love having fresh flowers in the house
melikegarfield says
I always buy my mother in law and mom flowers on Mother’s Day. Many times I give them in person, but this year I’ll have to send them to my mother in law. This would be a great way to do it. I’ve used Teleflora in the past and they were very good!
Nickie says
I love flowers!
kimberly Zais says
Very excited for this giveaway my moms birthday is at the end of this month and she absolutely loves flowers. Would love to win this and bless her with some beautiful flowers !
Ellen B says
this giveaway is so awesome!
Stephanie Bonck says
My mother would be very suprised and happy to receive a beautiful flower bouquet!
Kelly D says
I am excited for their great selection.
Ken Ohl says
Excited love to win for my wife
Kathy Emerick says
Thanks for the chance.
Barrie says
I am super excited! I would love to send my mom a HUGE bouquet!
Darla Peduzzi says
I’m excited because I LOVE to give and get fresh flowers!
Monica Young says
my birthday is coming up and I would love to gift flowers to myself, I subscribed
Julia says
Would love to spread joy with this
Debbie Yoder says
This is wonderful! Im excited!
So very excited!
Shirley Younger says
beautiful arrangement and it will look lovely on my dining room table
Susan Ladd says
I am very excited about this giveaway and would make nice Mother’s Day gift for my mother. Thanks for this awesome sweep.
rickel bart says
i’m stoked for this contest
Jaye Smith says
I am so excited about the giveaway. There’s nothing better than flowers to lift your day.
Paula says
Thanks for the chance to win this. Fingers crossed.
Ej says
This is the sweetest way to be thankful
elizabeth miller says
I am very excited. This would really brighten my spirits.
Amber Kolb says
Oh wow, this is awesome, thank you!! So excited!
David Basile says
The gift of flowers
Tracy Robertson says
So excited about this giveaway. They have gorgeous 💐. I love the Bubbling Over 💐
Azeem Isaahaque says
I’d like to win for my wife
Rita M says
Very excited – this would certainly take a little of the dreary out of my current way of life as I’m sure it would do the same for many others!
KariLorr says
I’m so excited. This would make a great gift for my mother.
Pam Wheeler says
I am super excited for this giveaway!
Terry Cross says
This is a great giveaway! So excited!
Jean D. says
Hooray for spring flowers!
Allyson Tice says
Michael Coovert says
I am bursting with fruit flavors over this! That’s how excited I am. I would love to win this so I could send my mom a big, beautiful flower arrangement for Mother’s Day!
Betty Roberts says
So excited! I’d love to win a beautiful bouquet!
Antoinette M says
I would love to win!
Susan Smith says
I’m excited about this giveaway.
Natalie says
I am super excited for this giveaway because my mom loves flowers!
Peggy Rydzewski says
With the stay home order here in Michigan fresh flower would be welcomed
Karen Propes says
Fresh flowers would be the perfect thing for this Mother’s Day. That would be GREAT!
Julie Waldron says
I’m very excited, I love flowers!
Jon Heil says
Would love to ship some flowers to my birth mom to brighten her day on moving to another house in texas
Alicia Hewitt says
My mom would love beautiful flowers sent to her. Thank you for the chance!!
Lisa Williams says
I would love to send a floral arrangement to my sister in law who recently fell and broke an ankle to remind her how much we love and care about her.
Heather Kaufman says
VERY excited, I love flowers.
I am very excited.
Cynthia C says
I’m very excited for this giveaway!
Sherry Blamer says
I love teleflora they have beautiful arrangements.
Nidhi c says
This would be amazing to win!
Darlene Carbajal says
Very excited!
kathy Persons says
So ready for flowers We had snow yesterday
Bohemian Babushka says
Would love to brighten BB’s 100 year old grandma’s day with a beautiful bouquet. Gracias for the giveaway.
Bryan Vice says
Very excited would love to surprise my momma with some flowers
Julie Lundstrom says
I am excited for this giveaway.
Francine Anchondo says
very excited about this giveaway
Beautiful flowers for my sister as mom has passed
Ellie Wright says
I’m excited to enter for this. Such beautiful flowers at a time like this brings such joy.
Richard Hicks says
I am very excited. Will help out with buying next flowers!
Jessica Lodge says
My Mom loves flowers so I would love to win this for her.
Samantha Plotkin says
Very excited – love fresh flowers!
BusyWorkingMama says
I’m excited because I love flowers!
Hope F says
I have never received flowers, I would be thrilled to receive them.
iliana d blair says
I love receiving flowers but this time I would give to those more deserving .
Tiffany Brown says
This is such a great giveaway! I would love to win the Teleflora gift card so I could send my mother-in-law a beautiful bouquet! Thanks for the winning opportunity!
Nancy says
I am excited about this giveaway. Fresh flowers would be a treat as we all stay at home.
Wendy R. says
Thank you! So excited my mom would love some flowers.
jennifer cervantes says
I am really excited!
Melissa Storms says
I am very excited about this giveaway. Teleflora has so many lovely bouquets.
Marcie W. says
I’m very excited about this giveaway! Fresh flowers always brightens our home.
Sandy Klocinski says
It would be awesome to have a centerpiece for my table! I love flowers. Thanks for the opportunity to win
jeanette h sheets says
flowers .oh my gosh this really makes me smile with excitment
Laurie Nykaza says
I’m very excited about the giveaway we love flowers
Seyma Bennett Shabbir says
I love Teleflora! Their flowers are always amazing!
Corey Olomon says
Fresh flowers can always cheer you up!
Dana Collie says
So excited for this, since there was no school I won’t be getting a little finger prints or a small flower from my 5 year old. He is my sunshine and I’m so proud that I have the blessing to be his momma!
Doreen says
We love flowers!! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Chris L says
Very excited. This would be great.
Moises Campos says
I am super excited!!!You are a great person with an amazing heart.
Annemarie Z. says
I am very excited!
wen budro says
I am very excited about this giveaway. I would love to send someone a beautiful floral arrangement.
Kayla Klontz says
I loveee flowers.
Kriss K says
I am very excited. This would be perfect so I can send flowers to my mom!
Donna Clifford says
Very Excited
tung ton says
who doesn’t love fresh flowers to brighten up your day?
Buddy Garrett says
I’m very excited about this giveaway.
Amy Green says
I did not get to celebrate a conventional Mother’s Day with my mom this year. She and my sister share the same day for their birthdays. This would make a great surprise for the both of them!
DanV says
I am excited for some flowers
Hesper Fry says
This would be so awesome to win. Very excited!
kathy pease says
I am very excited about the giveaway! 🙂
Lily Kwan says
I’m very excited about this giveaway!