Quarantine Meme Entertainment, w/Linky! April 21, 2020 by Mitch 5 Comments Me on a girls trip post quarantine!
1 Natasha says April 22, 2020 at 2:41 AM These had me rolling on the floor! I wait every Wednesday for your memes, Mitch. Can’t tell you how much the make me laugh and are such a pick me up! Thank you, bless you. Glad to see you on our #WW linky. https://natashamusing.com/2020/04/on-a-lockdown-food-trail-wordless-wednesday-natasha-musing/ Reply
2 Adelaide Dupont says April 22, 2020 at 4:29 AM This is my first Wordless Wednesday experiencing your memes. You might like a cartoon by Australian cartoonist Oslo Davis which is about dogs and social/physical disstancing. And when the wine glass and the coffee pass the baton to one another… Reply
3 Jeanna says April 22, 2020 at 2:03 PM You rounded up some more good ones I had to share. Bet that jock joke didn’t go over well with some (; Reply
4 Shelbee on the Edge says April 22, 2020 at 2:06 PM Always funny! I am laughing while I am stuffing all the junk food in my face in preparation for an adequate post-quarantine girls’ trip! Shelbee http://www.shelbeeontheedge.com Reply
5 Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe says April 25, 2020 at 2:26 AM Hahahahhahaha ……. Mitch I just love them. Your post is such a mood uplifter 🙂 Have a cheerful weekend! Reply
These had me rolling on the floor! I wait every Wednesday for your memes, Mitch. Can’t tell you how much the make me laugh and are such a pick me up!
Thank you, bless you. Glad to see you on our #WW linky.
This is my first Wordless Wednesday experiencing your memes.
You might like a cartoon by Australian cartoonist Oslo Davis which is about dogs and social/physical disstancing.
And when the wine glass and the coffee pass the baton to one another…
You rounded up some more good ones I had to share. Bet that jock joke didn’t go over well with some (;
Always funny! I am laughing while I am stuffing all the junk food in my face in preparation for an adequate post-quarantine girls’ trip!
Hahahahhahaha ……. Mitch I just love them. Your post is such a mood uplifter 🙂 Have a cheerful weekend!