Lauren P. won the Teleflora Holiday Bouquet Giveaway! @Teleflora #Teleflora #LoveOutLoud #Flowers #FreshFlowers
Annamarie V. won the $20 Bed, Bath & Beyond Gift Card Seasonal Giveaway! @BedBathBeyond #bedbathandbeyond
Delia M. won the $10 IHOP Gift Card Giveaway for You! @IHOP
Denise P. won the Zing Pong Giveaway For The Holidays! @Zing_Toys #gifts #giftguide
Harold D. won the Root Beer Float Challenge Game Giveaway! @Playtacular1 #RootBeerFloatChallenge #gifts #giftguide
Most winners are picked through the Gleam widget, others through the above random number generator widget. And all open giveaways and contests are listed below so that you can continue entering!
December 8, 2019
Barnes & Noble $20 Gift Card Giveaway For You! @BNBuzz #BarnesandNoble
$10 Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway For Winter! @Starbucks
December 15, 2019
$20 Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway For The Holidays! @BestBuy
Giveaway – $10 Wendy’s Gift Card for Your Eating Pleasure! @Wendys
December 22, 2019
$25 Applebee’s Gift Card Giveaway For You! @Applebees
$10 Arby’s Gift Card Giveaway For You! @Arbys
Barbara Montag says
Congrats to the winners.