Sweep them off their feet this Valentine’s Day with spectacular bouquets from Teleflora, the world’s leading floral gifting service. Today, Teleflora revealed its new Valentine’s Day bouquet lineup featuring a curated selection of arrangements always made by hand and hand-delivered to your door by a local florist. From lush, dreamy arrangements that will take their breath away to bright blooms that will make anyone feel loved, the new collection offers a special, unforgettable gifting experience the moment Teleflora’s flower delivery arrives. TELEFLORA’S NEW VALENTINE’S DAY BOUQUET LINEUP INCLUDES: (All Valentine’s Day arrangements will be available for sale on beginning January 11, 2019 in standard, deluxe or premium size options.)
-Make your Valentine fall head over heels with this elegant arrangement brimming with classic red roses, white Asiatic lilies, red Alstroemeria and green accents. This beautiful, eye-catching bouquet arrives in a ceramic vase with a soft, satiny gloss and quilted pattern that evokes a passionate feel.
TELEFLORA’S STERLING LOVE BOUQUET (Available on for $109.99)
-Add a thoughtful, modern touch of luxury for your soul mate with this stunning floral bouquet overflowing with fresh red roses, pink Asiatic lilies and red Alstroemeria nestled in a chic blown glass vase that she will treasure for years to come.
-Surprise your sweetheart with this vintage chic French farmhouse-inspired floral arrangement. Bursting with red roses, white daisies and red carnations nestled between dusty miller and huckleberry, this two-in-one gift arrives in a cute crock that will deliver long-lasting enjoyment.
-Celebrate love and friendship with this sweet floral arrangement. With a playful pattern of red and silver scattered hearts on a gorgeous glass cube, this gift is sure to brighten anyone’s day.
LOVE OUT LOUD this Valentine’s Day and make your loved ones feel special with a Teleflora bouquet. To place your order for a beautiful floral arrangement made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist, please visit
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive a $75 Teleflora gift credit!
-Valued at $75 USD, plus free delivery service fee included.
-Expires on February 11, 2019.
-Good on; no cash value.
-Not valid on sale items.
-Coupon cannot be combined with any other discount or promotion codes.
-One time use only.
Mandatory Entries: Sign up for my blog via subscription and confirm your subscription! Leave a comment to tell that you have done so and the RSS feed does not count.
Teleflora Bouquet $75 Giveaway!
Contest ends midnight, February 3, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Prizes must be claimed within 48 hours. Maximum winnings of 2 giveaways per every 90 days. See official rules for more information.
Thanks and good-luck.
mami2jcn says
I love the country sweetheart bouquet!
My kids saw Aquaman and enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to streaming it when it becomes available.
Natalie says
Not sure if this is the right question for this giveaway, but yes I am excited to see Aquaman.
Anna Pry says
subscribed, don’t want to see aquaman movie
Rita M says
I am looking forward to seeing Aquaman!
Surbhi K. says
Very excited!
Allison L says
I guess I will see Aquaman, not sure.
Allison Lancaster says
OH and I am email subscriber too 🙂
Mia E. says
I saw the Aquaman movie and it was entertaining.
Linda Everson says
I am an email subscriber.
Abigail Gibson says
email subscriber
Abigail Gibson says
I have already seen Aquaman and I really like it.
McKim says
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
Annmarie Weeks says
We saw the Aquaman movie & loved it. (And I love flowers, too!)
Rebecca Snodgrass says
I would love to see it!
Susan Smith says
I am looking forward to seeing Aquaman!
Julie Waldron says
I’m not real excited, I don’t know much about it.
Dana says
I could honestly take it or leave it regarding Aquaman.
Margaret Smith says
We saw the movie already and loved it.
Ann Fantom says
I’m going to watch the Aquaman movie with my nephew
Emily A Roesly says
I saw Aquaman a few weeks ago and thought it was a good movie
shelly peterson says
I have seen the movie and loved it.
Ellie Wright says
I’m excited to take my boys to see this!
Rosanne says
I can’t wait to see the Aquaman movie
Lisa says
I’d love to see the movie!
DailyWoman (Lacey) says
I really enjoyed the movie Aquaman.
Heather Ely says
The whole family is excited to see it.
Belinda Shaw says
email subscriber
Cynthia C says
My nephew is excited to see Aquaman.
heather hayes panjon says
I’m so excited!
C. Rivas says
Arica Hutchins says
I love how they introduced aquaman and I think its gonna be amazing I’m super stoked to watch it w the family. Thanks for the chance to win beautiful bouquets
Diane Sabatini says
My boys loved it and I was home sick so I’ll wait till it comes to video.
Barbara Lima says
I’m excited to see the star!
crystle tellerday says
email sub
Terry Cross says
Email subscriber
Terry Cross says
I’m very excited to see Aquaman
Tiffany Schmidt says
My son would really like to see Aquaman. I, however, would swoon over flowers!
Dana Rodriguez says
We are going to check it out. Beautiful flowers!!
Toni P. says
I’m an email subscriber. Yay!
Philip says
My partner would love this so much. There’s nothing like flowers.
Toni P. says
I’m only excited about Aquaman insofar as it stars Jason Momoa! I didn’t get to see it yet (and probably won’t in theaters as there are already limited showtimes near me), but I’m grabbing it the moment it comes to Redbox.
Jessica Padilla says
I’m so excited to see aquaman
Renee Rousseau says
Saw it! Loved it! Waiting for the sequel!
Barrie says
I’ve already seen it and I was so psyched! It wasn’t as good as I was hoping but getting to see Jason Moma made it all worthwhile!! 😉
Gina Ferrell says
I’m very excited to see the Aquaman movie.
Lynne says
email subscriber
Angela C. Adelman says
I can not wait to see Aquaman with the kids. They will love it.
Tara L says
I’m stoked because my son has been asking to see it so if it’s still out next weekend we will probably see it or something rent it on demand and watch it at home.
Antoinette M says
Sandy Klocinski says
Ellen B says
would be fun to see the movie
Klydra Pugh says
Email subscriber
Thanks for the chance
Angela Saver says
I am excited to see the Aquaman movie.
Tammy Shelton says
Not my kind of movie, so nah.
Tammy Shelton says
I’m a subscriber… thanks!
paige chandler says
I am very very very excited
Katie Sexton says
Love Aquaman!
Klydra Pugh says
Twitter follower @KlydraPugh
Alicia Hewitt says
I am extremely excited to see Aquaman!!
Sara Tarver says
I’m excited to see it
Arik Issan says
I shall wait for Aquaman to air on HBO, hopefully by the end of the year.
Eva Mack says
I am not excited to see the Aquaman movie.
Barbara Neu says
I subscribed.
Priscilla P. says
I took my granddaughters to see Aquaman. I thought it was an awesome movie. I’m totally into Jason Momoa. He is gorgeous!
Denise S says
I’m an email subscriber
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Denise S says
I follow on twitter
Denise S says
I follow on pinterest
Denise S says
I follow on instagram
Denise S says
I follow on Google +
Denise Sachs
Roberta Skolfield says
were seeing AQUAMAN this Sat, we all cant wait …..big buckets of popcorn comming our way were so excited to see the flic
Richard Hicks says
I thought that the movie was WONDERFUL!
Elizabeth Owens says
I am so excited to see it! At this point, I am waiting for Aquaman to come out on DVD,
Jennifer Richendollar says
aqua man looks good. I will probably watch it when it goes to DVD and blueray.
already a subscriber.
Jennice says
The flowers are so beautiful!!!
alissa apel says
It sounds like a fun movie to see with my sons.
Taylor Campbell says
Gorgeous bouquets!
Karen Propes says
Email Subscriber.
Karen Propes says
We are excited to see Aqua Man, were planning on seeing it before, but going on Sunday! Yahhhh!
I am excited to take my grandson with me to see this movie.
Debra Branigan says
By time I got to this comment, I had already seen the movie and really enjoyed it. Thanks for asking.
kathy pease says
I am sure my husband would be so excited to see this
Doreen says
Would love to see it sometime!
beth hoxtell says
Julieh says
I saw it already and really enjoyed it.
Pam Wheeler says
I am really excited to see Aquaman.
rosemary says
Ej says
My husband and I need a date night, Aquaman is the perfect excuse
Bryan Vice says
Would love to take my wife out on the town to a nice dinner and watch Aquaman
shelleyb says
I’m curious about Aquaman movie. (I love Thor, Ironman, Capt America) I guess I have room to try to learn to like a newcomer.
Elizabeth Tarlow says
We are really looking forward to seeing Aquaman!!!
Trisha McKee says
I am excited to see it. It looks like a great movie. My daughter wants to see it also.
Hesper Fry says
My husband and son saw the movie and loved it!
Eileen Boyce says
Very excited to see Aquaman. Thanks
Sand says
I’m not as excited to see Aquaman. I’ll wait until it’s streaming!
Tabathia B says
I like the always a lady bouquet
Lyndsey R. says
I’m really looking forward to it,