If you buy any drugs, whether it be a prescription, or over the counter, look for a coupon before you shop!
I do not buy any drugs without first going to this site that I discovered a few years ago by accident. My first thought was that it would not work for people with insurance since I only pay a co-pay. I was wrong, it reduces your co-pay! This coupon clearinghouse also works to find coupons for OTC drugs. Everything is listed here, and if it is not, then just google whatever you need a coupon for! If it exists, it can be found and used to save money!!
My son’s Epi-pen co-pay is currently $0 thanks to this site. I have been doing this for almost two years since my son needs to have Epi-pens on hand everywhere, school, camp, his backpack, my house. Before the uproar over the huge prices increase of the Epi-pen, this had been available all along! And now my insurance will no longer cover his Epi-pen, they required me to go generic, and that co-pay is $50! My pharmacist actually went to this site and found me a coupon!
Bookmark this site to save money on drugs! This is a veritable clearing house for prescription and non-prescription drugs coupons and discounts!
Search for your drug and find the link to the manufacturer’s site for the coupon! Not all drugs are here, but many are! I do not get compensated for this post, I just share it because I want you to save money!
Mitch, Thank you! As a senior citizen on Social Security, I need all the coupons I can get.
It doesn’t tell you how much you will pay though.
I always look for a coupon before I buy anything!
Thanks so much for sharing the info my daughters medications cost a lot and we make to much to quailfy for medicade. I look for frugal ways to help us save on all of our cost but mostly look to places where we can save on our medical out of pocket cost our insurance cost as much as our rent for our apartment does.
We don’t take any prescriptions on a regular basis but this is great for those that do!