Who doesn’t love the original Slinky! Who is ready to celebrate with us, and enjoy this awesome collection of Slinky’s that I am giving away!
#NationalSlinkyDay is August 30th – and for close to 75 years Slinky has remained one of the world’s most iconic toys despite an increasingly technological toy market. What started out as a mishap in a warehouse turned into inspiration for a toy that would later be inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame and named one of the 100 most memorable and creative toys of the 20th century.
Its success can be attributed to its simple and unique design that captivates children (and adults) as it magically walks down stairs, and its catchy jingle. The toy can be considered one of the first gender neutral toys, as per the jingle (… fun for a girl or a boy), requires no instructions, is portable and powered simply by imagination. Slinky continues to capture the admiration of consumers around the world, no matter their age.
Check out these Slinky fun facts:
-The Slinky was invented and developed by naval engineer Richard T. James in 1943 and demonstrated at Gimbels department store in Philadelphia in November 1945. The toy was a hit, selling its entire inventory of 400 units in ninety minute
-During the Vietnam War, U.S. soldiers used Slinkys as mobile radio antennas.
-Slinky is the Official State Toy of Pennsylvania. Today, almost all Slinky’s are made in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, using the original equipment designed and engineered by Richard James.
-Each Slinky is made from 80 feet of wire which folds up in 10 seconds.
-NASA used the springy toy for zero-gravity physics experiments in space.
-The Slinky song is the longest-running jingle in advertising history.
-In its first 60 years, more than 300 million have been sold worldwide and in excess of 50,000 tons of wire has been used since the first Slinky went into production.
-If you joined them all up they would encircle the earth more than 126 times.
My favorites are the Slinky animals:
Aren’t they fabulous! I had no idea they made this many!
For more information check out Slinky!
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive a huge selection of Slinky’s valued at over $50!
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