We became daddies over 14 years ago!
Paul was born in late May. Three days later the birth mom signed the papers and we were on our way out of town waiting for the state papers to be filed, we needed those to take our son to our home state. The NY court signing a few months later was basically a formality, so we knew we had our son.
The above is a picture at Paul’s circumcision ceremony. Eight days after a male child’s birth is the suggested time for this to occur, so I had already contacted a “Moyel,” the Hebrew name for the man who performs this. He also happened to be a pediatrician, so I was already making sure all bases were covered!
My parents flew out to join our new family and witnessed this experience. Actually, my mom witnessed while Peter, my dad, and I all cried. I was 44, this had been a dream my entire life, to have a child and raise him in my faith.
I had been an Uncle for 15 years, and as much as I loved that role, I knew I wanted more. I did not want to hand the crying baby back, I wanted to know how to get that crying baby past the tears. I try to explain to my first nephew Adam: the minute I saw him, in the hospital, within 24 hours of his birth, I knew I had to be a dad.
I cannot imagine my life without my son. This has been the greatest journey of my life, after all, he is the most incredible kid! He is also a teenager, and a huge pain in the butt, but I have to be nice because we have a contract, whereby, I will live in his basement when I get old. We have been reviewing electric chairs, that will bring me up the basement stairs, for a while now! If you read between the lines you might notice that my husband is not mentioned. He has to make his own deal!
So, we celebrate National Adption Month every year, and I will repost the links to our adoption story, but be warned, many have told me that it brings them to tears. I started the blog to write the full adoption story, so I will always remember those details to be able to share with my son!
He had his Bar Mitzvah this past June. Another experience I thought I would never have, what a blessing!
Update! He is now over 14 years old. He is in full teenage mode. SEND HELP!
Your story is so emotional . I see the finally product a great talented son
Loved your story and your son is so fortunate to have parents who love him so much! I enjoyed reading this and all of you are so blessed to have one another.
BTW, I have twin daughters who are 14 now so I feel your pain…lol
And pain it is!
Thanks for sharing Mitch. We have several friends who have adopted and each has their own story of their path to adoption. For some it’s easy breezy for others therewere challenges along the way but for all it’s been worth every single moment. Our paths to parenthood may be different but the love we share for our children is the same. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks for sharing this joyful event in your life and the ups and downs that come with being a parent.
Unfortunately I am too ill to adopt. I haven’t tried but I feel it would be so unfair to put any child, biological or adopted, into my situation. I am in the hospital all year long and spent most of the day in bed but it was my dream as a child to adopt. I was diagnosed with Lupus at 33 or I would have. This is the most precious gift a child and a parent could give each other. I am so proud to see people doing this and wish more people would open their hearts and homes up.