Without coffee I couldn’t parent. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is prepare my cup of coffee and start drinking. The alarm is set for 7:30 a.m. and I need to prepare my son for school, so I need to wake up, and I need to wake up fast. There is no room for error as he leaves within 30 minutes of that alarm bell that wakes up the whole house.
Based on my love of coffee, and the fact that I require it first thing in the morning, I came up with my #ShouldBeOnACoffeeMug saying: “He goes to sleep dreaming about his morning coffee.” I did not make this up, sometimes when I close my eyes at night I think about that first cup in the morning.
I brew my coffee and let it cool on the counter top. Then I put it in a container and place it in the refrigerator. I go from my bed to the kitchen and pour my cold coffee in a large cup and drink at least half of it immediately so that I can prepare my son’s supplies for the day: fill up his water bottle, get his breakfast ready, and prepare a snack for him to take to school. I need my morning coffee to be the best parent I can be!
Coffee is the best way to start my day! It gets me going in multiple ways (you don’t want all those details, but let’s just say, it keeps me regular!), I can’t leave the house without it!
I do not sacrifice flavor with my morning coffee! I love Folgers Coffeehouse Blend because of the delicious taste, it is a medium-dark roast designed to produce a unique coffee experience that starts off smooth and ends with a bold, distinct flavor, just like I like it! This morning coffee, that I sometimes dream about while I drift off to sleep, is great with or without milk or sweetener, so I need a quality coffee to wake up to, that tastes good!
Also helpful is the versatility, I can brew hot coffee for my mother and father-in-law who request it the minute they walk in my door. I can use our French press ( did I mention we have had one for years because we thought we were European in the 90’s?) for my husband’s coffee, this is his favorite weekend drink! We all like our coffee prepared differently, and we are all thrilled with the taste of Folgers Coffeehouse Blend because we can still taste the coffee! How many different coffee makers are in your house? I am showcasing half of what we own, I have back-up for all of these coffee devices, if one breaks I must know a replacement is on hand!
And I enjoy a hot brewed cup of coffee on a weekend day when I do not have to rush to start my parenting chores! Sometimes this dad wants to enjoy a cup of coffee hot, with cream and sugar (OK, maybe whipped cream and sugar substitute!) when I do not have to start the day with chores! And I have choices! Do I use a k-cup, or do I use the French press?
Treat the coffee-loving dad in your family to the Folgers Coffeehouse Blend coffee suite, complete with Folgers Coffeehouse Blend, and some favorite ways to enjoy it with a French press and an array of creamers and sweeteners.
If my hubby is joining me, I may be feeling generous and ask him how he wants me to prepare his coffee. That will be his gift for Father’s Day! We love that we have a myriad of choices: pour over, French press, cold brew, or my old stand-by, the drip coffee maker! And there is always the Keurig® brewing system which is so easy and how we make coffee during the day on an as needed basis! And with the kid going to sleep away camp, and our mornings less rushed, we may start preparing our coffee differently everyday!
With a blend this versatile, coffee fans alike can create – and explore – their favorite brewing traditions and discover something new right at home, like we have! To learn more, visit Folgers Coffee House Blends today!
Please visit Folgers on Twitter and Facebook for more coffee ideas!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of J. M. Smucker Company. I received compensation for this post; however, all opinions stated are my own.
I have to try this Coffeehouse Blend. I start every day with Folgers, but I haven’t tried most of their blends. Time to try something new!
When I was a kid my parents ALWAYS drank Folgers and now that I am a coffee addict, too, that is what I drink. Love my Folgers!!!
Now I know a lot of people who love a good coffee in the morning, in fact I could imagine my Dad liking a good cup on Father’s Day!
I have 2 cups of hot coffee in the morning and then have a cup of iced coffee for an afternoon treat.
I love a good cup of coffee. It’s the difference between nice mom and grumpy mom. My kids like when I have my coffee.
It takes 2 cups of coffee to wake me up in the morning. I am not really picky with coffee, so I can have anything available. My favorite though is hot coffee with hazelnut flavored coffee creamer. I want to try Folgers coffee. I’m getting some at the store today. 🙂
This sounds like a great brand of coffee. I will have to try the K-cup Folgers Coffeehouse blend. I need my cup of coffee each morning.
Folgers makes a great cup of coffee and is the favorite of many people I spend time with. I love how cost-effective the brand is as well.
I need my coffee but do not have too much of a brand loyalty so have had Folgers a few times. I like the taste of their coffee but it all tastes good to me!
There is nothing that will help you get through the day than a good cup of coffee in the morning. I think Folgers is an awesome brand and it’s been a staple in our home for years.
My mom was always so choosy about her coffee. She would only drink Folgers. what brand we drink in our house?! Yep! And it truly is good to the last drop!
My dad drank a cup…or a pot….of Folger’s coffee every morning for as long as I could remember. I don’t drink coffee, but when I think of coffee, I Think of FOLgers.
You look so happy with your coffee! I saw that mug and now I have that old Folgers jingle stuck in my head!
My mom has always been a Folger’s fan. I buy her a bag for every special occasion and I think it’s the one gift she truly looks forward to receiving!
Not a morning person, but coffee makes getting out of bed worth it! Got to stock up on my Folgers!
Ha! I love this post! I am a Folgers gal myself. And I thought I was the only one who went to sleep dreaming of my morning coffee. It is my favorite time of day…which is right now…sipping my morning coffee and checking out my favorite blogs! I however get up at 4:45 a.m. so I can consume at least 2 large mugs of my tasty brew before my children arise and the morning chaos begins!
Looks like one I need to try. Love those mugs. Currently get up and have my breakfast blend by them…normally need a few cups to start my day.
I love that mug and can totally relate. I love coffee and look forward to it every morning.
This post speaks to me…maybe because I’m a new mom and need coffee on an IV drip! Funny enough, we were buying another brand of coffee pods and just switched to Folger’s a month ago. The price was a bit better and the taste was actually better than the more expensive brand I was buying! Who knew?! So yes, Folger’s is in my mug once or twice (sometimes three!) times a day!
We are big coffee drinkers in my household.
However, we have not tried Folger’s in a long time; we may have to revisit it.
Also, I love the mug! 🙂
We love Folgers! My mornings isn’t complete without my coffee!!
Folgers has good coffee. It is my mom’s favorite and I guess her preference rubbed off on me too. I take 2 mugs of coffee in the morning before I can totally be alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic! haha.
I love Folgers but I have yet to try the Coffehouse blend. I bet its just as good as all of their other products. Yum yum.
Folger’s is my oil. I can’t go a day without it!
Folgers is my coffee of choice as well. I grew up with it and won’t move on!
Folgers is a classic. It’s one of those brands that is the epitome of the product.
Folgers is definitely a great brand of coffee. I love the mug that says he goes to sleep dreaming about his coffee!
I went without coffee for 2 weeks Why I did that I do not know I like that mug of yours
I always have to start my day with a fresh cup of Joe! I need these for work
My family has always been Folgers fans. I hope you have a great Father’s Day!
I love there are so many ways to use it. We have a keurig at home so the K ups will definitely work for our house. A boost is needed when you have a toddler at home 🙈
My coffee is a must each morning 2 cups and then during winter months I will have a cup handy all through the day. Folgers Black Silk is a favorite in this home.
Cheers ☕️ Time to get the morning started