A baby’s gotta do what a baby’s gotta do in the all-new DVD releases of Rugrats: Season 1 & Rugrats: Season 2. Told from the perspective of a group of adventurous and imaginative toddlers, Rugrats transformed the most mundane activities into unforgettable adventures. Led by fearless leader Tommy Pickles, the gang can turn an ordinary trip to the park into a journey across the Sahara in search of water, a visit to the plant nursery into a jungle trek to find a cure for “jungle beaver,” or a search for cookies into a prehistoric fantasy. Together, there’s no adventure too big and no problem they can’t solve… or at least nothing that a good nap won’t help.
- Tommy’s First Birthday
- Barbeque Story
- Waiter, There’s A Baby In My Soup
- At The Movies
- Slumber Party
- Baby Commercial
- Little Dude
- Beauty Contest
- Baseball
- Ruthless Tommy
- Moose Country
- Grandpa’s Teeth
- Momma Trauma
- Real Or Robots?
- Special Delivery
- Candy Bar Creep Show
- Monster In The Garage
- Weaning Tommy
- Incident In Aisle Seven
- Touch-Down Tommy
- The Trial
- Fluffy vs. Spike
- Reptar’s Revenge
- Graham Canyon
- Stu-Maker’s Elves
Rugrats: Season 1 Fast Facts:
Street Date: May 2, 2017
Catalogue: 59186621000 (US); 59186622000 (CAN)
S.R.P.: $14.99
DVD Running Time: 316 minutes
- Toy Palace
- Sand Ho!
- Chuckie Versus The Potty
- Together At Last
- The Big House
- The Shot
- Showdown At Teeter-Totter Gulch
- Mirrorland
- Angelica’s In Love
- Ice Cream Mountain
- Regarding Stuie
- Garage Sale
- Let There Be Light
- The Bank Trick
- Family Reunion
- Grandpa’s Date
- No Bones About It
- Beach Blanket Babies
- Reptar On Ice
- Family Feud
- Superhero Chuckie
- The Dog Broomer
- Aunt Miriam
- The Inside Story
- A Visit From Lipschitz
- What The Big People Do
- The Santa Experience
- Visitors From Outer Space
- The Case Of The Missing Rugrat
- Chuckie Loses His Glasses
- Chuckie Gets Skunked
- Rebel Without A Teddy Bear
- Angelica The Magnificent
- Meet The Carmichaels
- The Box
- Down The Drain
- Let Them Eat Cake
- The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia
- My Friend Barney
- Feeding Hubert
- Spike The Wonder Dog
- The Slide
- The Big Flush
- King Ten Pin
- Runaway Angelica
- Game Show Didi
- Toys In The Attic
- Driving Miss Angelica
- Susie vs. Angelica
- Tooth Or Dare
- Party Animals
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive the above NickelodeonDVD’s Rugrats Season One & Two on DVD!!
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