Prince Hector from the VTech® Go! Go! Smart Friends® kingdom loves adventure! Press his light-up button, and he will come to life by introducing himself, talking about what it’s like to live in a kingdom and singing songs. Explore the realm by placing Prince Hector on MagicPoint™ locations on Go! Go! Smart Friends® playsets (each sold separately) to trigger different phrases, motion, lights and more. Each Go! Go! Smart Friends® character is unique. Collect them all to create a whole kingdom featuring princesses, princes, magical creatures and more.
Product Number: 80-168160
Battery: 2 AAA Batteries Required
Other Features:
Plays friendly phrases and sing-along songs
Light-up button flashes with the sounds
Perfectly sized for small hands
Works with Go! Go! Smart Friends accessories and playsets (each sold separately)
Best for ages: 1 to 5 years
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive the above Go! Go! Smart Friends® Prince Hector From Vtech!
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