The Turtles embark on an out-of-this-world adventure to save Earth in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Beyond the Known Universe in a two-disc, 12-episode adventure. In the first 12 episodes of season four of Nickelodeon’s hit television show, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey embark on their most epic adventure yet–outer space! Allied with a cyborg known as the Fugitoid, the Turtles hurdle through space, meet strange and bizarre alien creatures, and combat galactic monsters in a race against time to save planet Earth.
Disc 1:
Beyond the Known Universe – The Turtles meet a strange alien robot called the Fugitoid.
The Moons of Thalos 3 – When the Turtles crash land on an ice moon along with the enemy, they must put their differences aside to survive.
The Weird World of Wyrm – When Casey discovers a hypercube, he unleashes a fourth-dimensional being, Wyrm.
The Outlaw Armaggon – When Lord Dregg hires a bounty hunter to destroy the Turtles, the team flees to an abandoned space station.
Riddle of the Ancient Aeons – The Turtles find themselves on a planet of pure evil.
Journey to the Center of Mikey’s Mind – When microscopic aliens invade Mikey’s mind, the Turtles have to chase them through the strange world of Mikey’s subconscious.
The Arena of Carnage – The Turtles are captured and thrown into the Triceraton Arena!
Disc 2:
The War for Dimension X – The Turtles have to gain the trust of the Utrom Council to find the next piece of the Black Hole Generator.
The Cosmic Ocean – The Turtles journey through an ocean-like area of space.
Trans-Dimensional Turtles – The Turtles are transported to another dimension, where they meet their ’80s alternate-reality counterparts.
Revenge of the Triceratons – Donatello is feeling inferior to Fugitoid, but his intellect is put to the test when the Triceratons attack!
The Evil of Dregg – When Raphael loses his fighting mojo, he must overcome his feelings to save his brothers from certain doom.
SPECIAL FEATURE – TMNT: Kicking Shell & Taking Names – Series recap.
The turtles will soon be everywhere!
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive the above NickelodeonDVD’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Beyond the Known Universe 2 Disc DVD Set!
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In it to WIN it!!!!! Thank You!!!!!!!!
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