This is a repost of our 8 day trip to Walt Disney World where we decided to buy the Memory Maker photo pass for $170. Purchase in advance to save money!
We knew the Memory Maker included all the pictures you could take and took full advantage of it, taking photos with the characters every chance we could. Besides taking photos with the characters, photos of the rides are also included. There was even a photo of Peter showing off when he got bold in the above picture taken on the Dino ride in Animal Kingdom. Being a frequent visitor at Disney, we know when the picture is going to be snapped, so we try to have a little bit of fun with enjoyable poses!
And then there is the magic added to your Memory Maker photos:
That is when your Disney photographer will tell you to pose a certain way, or act surprised, or any of several different poses. Magic happens. The above is one of my favorites from this past trip.
I decided we needed to collect as much magic as possible. This is when the fun really began with the Memory Maker:
Tinker Bell was everywhere!
I was on a mission to collect as much magic as possible. There was some old stuff, and some new stuff. And there is also seasonal magic for different times of the year, such as Halloween. Yes, I would get the Memory Maker and go back just to collect some of that. This is brilliant, and it is going to get even better!
Queen Elsa! The Trolls! And my favorite, Olaf! Part of the picture taking with the magic became part of our own memory making. We felt challenged to collect as much magic as we could!!
And it was accessible to me almost immediately! I had the Disney Experience app on my phone, with the Memory Maker connected, and the pictures, along with the magic, appeared almost instantly! I was able to share our magic all day long on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. For this ego centric blogger, it was FANTASTIC!!!!
And then we got the shock of our trip! The magic moved!
OMG, this is what made the memory maker a million dollar experience for us. And I was also able to share these short videos on Facebook almost immediately.
5 Memory Maker Tips to Make a Magical Experience:
1. To make sure your children will participate, negotiate an agreement before you leave on your trip.
2. Do not hesitate to ask every Disney photographer that takes your picture to add magic. Different spots all over the four parks have different magic!
3. The videos were a surprise! I never knew when they would appear once we found out they were included! Again, this just made our time at Walt Disney World even more fun!
4. Do not wait until you are at Disney to buy the Memory Maker. Purchase up to three days prior to our trip for a discount! Link the Memory Maker to your account for immediate availability!
5. There is no limit. Take advantage of that and take as many pictures as the family will agree to. And then when they are burnt out, take the pictures by yourself!
Lastly, your favorite and mine, from Inside Out, Anger!
I could not stop!
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