The story of “Cinderella” follows the fortunes of young Ella (Lily James) whose merchant father remarries following the death of her mother. Eager to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new Stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and her daughters Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and Drisella (Sophie McShera) into the family home. But, when Ella’s father unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family.
Soon, she is forced to become their servant, disrespected, covered in ashes and spitefully renamed Cinderella. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella will not give in to despair nor despise those who mistreat her, and she continues to remain positive, determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.”
When Ella meets a dashing stranger in the woods, unaware that he is really the Prince (Richard Madden) and not merely Kit, an apprentice at the palace, she believes she has finally found a kindred soul. It appears her fortunes may be about to change when the King (Derek Jacobi) summons all maidens in the kingdom to attend a royal ball at the palace, raising Ella’s hopes of once again encountering the charming Kit. Alas, her Stepmother forbids her to attend and callously destroys her dress.
Meanwhile, the calculating Grand Duke (Stellan Skarsgård) devises a plan to thwart the Prince’s hopes of reuniting with Ella and enlists the support of the devious Stepmother. But, as in all good fairy tales, help is at hand. Soon, a kindly beggar woman (Helena Bonham Carter) steps forward and, armed with a pumpkin, a few mice and a magic wand, changes Cinderella’s life forever.
My family previewed this movie last weekend. I wasn’t sure how my 11 1/2 year old son would like it, after all it is a girly fairy tale. Well, this version was not girly, and he loved it, and hopefully learned a little about valor! He was riveted the whole time. It was not the girly Cinderella story we all grew up with, it was more of an adult story, but one suitable for all ages. My spouse was also riveted and could not get over the beauty and opulence of the costumes and sets. I would recommend this for all ages!
And here are my 10 cool comments from the Cinderella movie:
1. I never knew the Cinder part of Cinderella was from the burnt ash on her face from sleeping near the warm embers of the dying fire in the fireplace. It is possible the rest of the world has known this, but I needed it illustrated here!
2. My favorite Cate Blanchett moment was when Cinderella flew in the house exclaiming that all the maidens in the land were invited to the Castle for a ball. The evil step-mother jumped up with such glee, that she caught me by surprise. It was awesome!
3. The fairy god-mother was funny, but not too funny. She hit the perfect level of comedy.
4. Do not miss the Swan chandelier, in the beginning of the movie, in Ella’s house.
5. Cinderella is a strong female character in this version of the story. She is kind and courageous, not the traditional little victim we knew from the animated movie.
6. The Prince was a noble fellow, quite unlike the Cinderella’s last Prince, who we saw in “Into the Woods!”
7. I was very direct with Lily James and can reveal to you that when she is running out of the castle as the hour turns to midnight, she is not actually running in those glass slippers! We had a moment, picture below!
8. That blue dress Cinderella wears to the Ball? I think it will help the movie to get nominated for best costumes. It is strikingly gorgeous! As were the sets and other costumes!
9. Those step-sisters? They are not nice, but they did not have any parts of their feet sliced by their mom when they were trying on the glass slipper! Should I have said spoiler alert?
10. The ending we all know and love? Well, you will have to see the movie and find out!
But wait, there is more!
Don’t forget, this is the only opportunity you will have to see Frozen Fever! The spoilers are already out there, Olaf has brothers and they are adorable!!!
There is also a fantastic opportunity to participate in the Fandango Family Princess Sweeps! Post your family’s prettiest princess pics to Instagram, tag @Fandango and #FandangoPrincessSweeps, for your chance to win 4 tickets to Cinderella.
(No Purchase Necessary. US res only, 18+. 1 entry/pp. Ends 3/16/15 @ 5pm PT, so HURRY!)
Here are some great links to get more information on the Cinderella Movie from Fandango! You can buy limited edition Cinderella movie gift cards! Find the nearest theater showing Cinderella and buy tickets! Go to the Fandango Family homepage page for fun activities and other info!
You should also visit the #FandangoFamily media wall, you may end up recognizing a Princess that you know from your neighborhood!
And as always, follow Fandango Family on Facebook!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of my Fandango Family Ambassadorship. Also, my family received tickets courtesy of IMAX and the NYCDadsGroup.
And here I am, with the biggest celebrity picture coup of my career:
Laura Collins says
I love to read what you write makes me understand the film better.
Amy Green says
Been dying to see this ever since they cast Cate Blanchett. Wish they’d done a movie like this for Sleeping Beauty instead of Maleficent!
Mami2jcn says
I haven’t seen it yet. The costumes and set decoration look amazing!
Devin says
Sounds cute, I’m going to take my little sister Wednesday!
Margot C says
I haven’t seen it yet Mitch, but with Lily James AND Sophie McShera from Downton Abbey; I’m so excited!
Priscilla Pursell says
I’m taking my niece to see it tomorrow.
Katie Sexton says
we loved it! we saw it with my daughter and friends, I now have to find some glass slippers since she is so in love with them!
Natalie says
I loved the movies meaning courage and kindness
Gabrielle KC says
We want to win the tickets so we can all go see it and tell you how much we love it afterwards!
Liz @ Yes/No Films says
My favorite thing were the costumers – they were gorgeous!
Kelly+D says
I am taking my daughter this weekend, it is the type of movie she would love.
Mitchell says
Great review, I’m so excited to see this movie!
Kristen says
I hope to go see this next weekend.
Neil Barto says
Hoping to go see it this weekend with my 8 year old daughter
Elizabeth P. says
I’m really excited about seeing all the fantastic costumes!
Cynthia R says
I love the costumes and set designs in this movie also I LOVE cate blanchett, she looks gorgeous is this film. Hope to see it in theaters!
Thomas Murphy says
I hope to see this on Saturday night!
Cynthia C says
I want to see the movie just to see that blue ball gown. Stunning!
Teresa Young says
The grandchildren & I are going to see Cinderella over Spring Break – I would have loved to meet Lily James, I love her on Downton Abbey.
Amanda Sakovitz says
This movie looks stunning! I love the costumes!
Kelly Nicholson says
i dont know if ill see it at the theaters..maybe i will..ill be sure to rent it if not..thanks
Sharon Rooney says
I love Cinderella I can’t wait to see the movie. I hope to see it in the next week or so.
Richard Hicks says
Nice review! We hope to see it in the coming week!
Jacob says
This looks really good mostly because of the cast – it’s all top tier, which is a majot plus
steve weber says
I haven’t seen it yet, but the reviews were really good that I read.
Jennifer Tilson says
I haven’t seen this movie yet. I want to take my daughter to see it.
sara wood says
I haven’t seen it yet but I will probably go next weekend.
Auriette says
I was bound to love this movie because it was directed by my favorite director/actor/writer, Kenneth Branagh. He created a moving and captivating version of the fairy tale. I cried so many times, my heart just hurting for Ella. I loved her little animal friends. I loved Derek Jacobi, who made the king so human. I loved how they brought in the favorite songs from the animated classic over the credits, and how cool they gave the talented Helena Bonham Carter a chance to sing! I loved the dilly song; I hear it’s not on the soundtrack, though. In short, (?) this will be added to my DVD collection when it comes out.
Julia says
My kids got to go see it and my daughter just loved it. She loved the stepmother’s outfits!
Meghan Finley says
My little girl has been dying to sick it but we’ve been sick. Can’t wait to go especially seeing Cate Blanchett in it!
Annmarie W. says
I saw this movie with my teen daughter, and we absolutely loved it! I probably liked it even more than she did! I thought that all of the characters were portrayed dead on…and I loved the relationship they showed between Cinderella & her dad (and mom). And Helen Bonham Carter’s fairy godmother was my absolute favorite part…she is brilliant!
Erinn S says
I have a house full of boys so it will take a girls night out so I can see it!
Jean D. says
My girlfriend wants to go for her birthday tomorrow. I’m deliberately not reading any reviews before I go, so I don’t hear any spoilers. But I’m looking forward to a fun time.
Stacy says
I love both Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham Carter, so I cannot wait to see them in these roles. Besides, it is Disney, so it is going to be good and is going to have plenty of jokes for adults.
Kathy Anderson says
I loved that the movie was true to the story with no additions.
Tabathia B says
I may go see it in two weeks.
Marilyn Nawara says
We have not seen the movie yet. Plan to go see it in a few weeks when my granddaughter comes to stay with me for the weekend. Thanks!
Marilyn Nawara says
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Angela Cisco says
I cannot wait to see this, the details look amazing.
Robin says
I haven’t seen the movie yet but after reading your review, I’m looking forward to seeing it.
Stephanie Larison says
This looks so cute, my daughter has been wanting to see it. We’ll probably go within the next few weeks when everybody in the house starts to feel better, we’ve all been sick. She wants to see the Frozen opener, also!
Laurie yourpilgrim123 AMER ICAN says
this one I am going to wait to come out on the pay per view to see it
Amanda T says
I’m going to have to wait for the movie to come out on Blu-ray. I’m unfortunately grounded to my house for the rest of my life! or well, until Moms get vacation days.
Ellie Wright says
I grew up with the classic Cinderella. Now I’m excited to share this new movie with my grandchildren. Thanks for the great review!
Ellie Wright says
I commented on your Cinderella review post.
Ellie Wright says
Whoops ignore that please.
Melanie Montgomery says
I want to go with my sister and best friend to see it
Samantha says
I never knew the Cinder part of Cinderella means! I expect to see a nice traditional Cinderella that I have always loved in the cartoon with elegance!
Julie Hawkins says
I plan to take my daughter to see it soon
Tracy Robertson says
I only saw Cinderella as a cartoon movie when I was a kid. I want to see this one because I think I the interesting tale will seem more realistic since it’s being played by real actors. I plan to see it soon!
Brian E. says
My daughter & her best friend loved this movie; beautiful, lavish sets…and actresses !
Vikki Billings says
I have not seen the movie yet, but am going to take my two granddaughter. They both love Cinderella and after reading your review I think I will too. Now I can not wait to see it with them.
Seyma Shabbir says
I love the cast!! Cate Blanchett and Helen Bonham Carter are both amazing.