“With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios, “Big Hero 6” is an action-packed comedy adventure that introduces Baymax, a lovable, personal companion robot, who forms a special bond with robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to Baymax and his diverse group of friends — adrenaline junkie Go Go Tomago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred — who transform into a band of unlikely heroes. Bring home Disney’s “Big Hero 6,” featuring comic-book-style action and hilarious, unforgettable characters — it’s fun for the whole family!”
I met the folks who created this movie and brought it to the big screen back in July. (Yes, you might recognize them from having recently been on stage collecting the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film! This was a must own movie even before it won the Oscar!)
Only 20 minutes of the movie was ready at that point and I immediately knew from that preview that it was going to be awesome! My son and I then got to preview it in the local theater and we loved it! I am thrilled that we now own the full copy, upon receipt I immediately downloaded my Digital copy via my Disney Movies Anywhere App onto my iPad!
And everyone loves BayMax!
We actually threw a #DisneySide party and including a viewing of this movie. The kids loved it! I had to leave the room because I get very emotional at the end.
And this release also includes the amazing short shown with the movie in the theaters, “Feast!” Again, another winner, this one for Best Short Film, Animated.
It is such a pleasure to watch genius on the screen, that is what you can expect from Disney Animation every time! “Feast” was written and directed by Robert Osborne, a Disney employee who entered his idea and had it make it to final approval and then produced. What a great incentive for a company to provide for its employees, the opportunity to see their work produced like this!
This movie was just released and is a must own for everyone’s video library!
Disclosure: We received a copy for review. All opinions are 100% honest and our own.
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