I love the gloriously rich and delectable life of a chocolatier! I met some of them in Belgium years ago! Constantly surrounded by mounds of white, dark and milk chocolate (my personal favorite), by cocoa beans, sugar and milk! In order to be a great chocolatier you must first travel the world for the best ingredients, trade for the most tastiest recipes, manage production of multiple types of confections at many factories, and pay attention to the latest trends! It tastes good because it takes so much work!
One lucky reader of the GayNYCDad award winning blog, will receive the above Chocolatier video game for the Nintendo DS!
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1. Follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/gaynycdad (click above right).
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You must leave a separate comment in the comments field for each entry that you make to be entered! If you are already any of these things, to enter just leave a separate comment reminding me of that! Contest ends midnight, November 2, 2014. Prizes must be claimed within 48 hours. Maximum winnings of 2 giveaways per every 90 days. See official rules for more information.
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