“At 20MP, Lumia Icon’s PureView ZEISS 6-lens camera has one of the most powerful smartphone sensors today. Post-capture zoom lets you get closer to your subject from where you are, even after your shot. OIS neutralizes blurred or jittery images often caused by movement for sharp, clear pictures on the fly.”
As a blogger, I rely on several different devices to take pictures so that I can then share these pictures all over the Internet via a blog post, on Instagram, and then Facebook and Twitter. Granted, some say it is my cry for attention (they are probably correct!), but as a biggie in the social media world I need to have great pictures to present.
There is a Nokia Lumia out there with 40 mega pixels which is great if you are printing a poster from a picture taken with your phone, but most of us are not. So, 20 megapixels is more than sufficient to up the ante on clarity!
As time has gone on for me in the blogging world, I have come less and less to rely on my cameras. I actually just added two cameras to my collection and I now have five cameras, some with varying degrees of functionality; and yet, on my most recent press trip to Los Angeles for TV and movie reviews, I took only my phone and tablet. I may have taken upwards of 1000 pictures between the two devices, and never missed having what I can now refer to as an “old fashioned camera.” None was needed.
And I have said it before, the Instagram app is my most used app. Windows did not have it available when I first tested the Windows phone two years ago, but has now for quite awhile. I am at events, on press trips, or just walking around with my family all the time, for me these are all opportunities to show you how I see the world. And while I understand the whole world may not be that interested in me and my visual stories, I love to broadcast them out into the Internet! After all, others opinions of me are none of my business! I love taking and sharing pictures. I love Instagramming them and having them automatically go to my Twitter and Facebook feeds as well. Enough people seem to be interested to keep up at the top of the blog business, but ultimately I do it for myself, this is a milieu that works very well for me!
Disclosure: As member of the VZWBuzz team I received this phone. No additional compensation was provided nor did I promise positive feedback. All opinions are my own.
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