“The Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes place alongside the events of the second film in a unique story as Spider-Man searches for Uncle Ben’s killer. You’ll encounter both new foes and old friends as you discover a larger threat to New York City. Fan-favorite Marvel characters are woven together with movie villains in a twisted web of adrenaline-fueled, free-roaming, web-slinging action!”
-New Heroism System: ”Hero or Menace” system rewards you for acting as Spider-Man by stopping crime and saving citizens, but face the consequences if you don’t keep down crime rates.
-Expansive NYC: Explore and take on villains in a more expansive Manhattan cityscape than the previous Amazing Spider-Man.
-Play as Peter Parker: Play as Spider-Man’s citizen alter-ego persona as you investigate the motivations of multifaceted villains.
-All-Star Villain Cast: Wide cast of Spider-Man universe and movie villains, each with their own unique boss battle encounters.
-Advanced Combat & Upgrades: New abilities and expanded fast-paced, acrobatic combat moves bring players up close and personal as Spidey takes down foes.
-All New Web Arsenal: New web-swing mechanic includes expanded web-shooter capabilities and chemical properties that allow you to freeze and blow up items on impact.
My son had a small operation on his left calf this week so when we returned form the hospital we were thrilled to see the above video game at the door!
My son will soon be 11 and we are just venturing into “T” level games. They prove to be a little more challenging to him, but I feel it raises his ability levels as he tries harder.
He did hit a glitch when he had to take a picture at a crime scene in the game but he restarted and got through that. Otherwise, he played until we had to leave for Mother’s Day at the in-laws. He loves this franchise and this is the movie we have picked for his birthday party later this month.
As always, this is not a tech review, this is a dad sharing with you when his son loves playing a new video game and wants to continue playing. I am just glad when the game started and he the choice to be a hero or a villain, he chose hero. Although I know that will change!
Disclosure: We received this game for review. All opinions are always 100% honest and our own.
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