In this heartwarming comedy, underachiever David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn) learns he’s actually an overachiever — he’s fathered 533 children via donations made twenty years earlier! David soon discovers that the shock of his life might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Along the way he discovers not only his true self, but also the father he could become. Also starring Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders — and complete with bonus materials, including behind-the-scenes footage — it’s a feel-good movie that really delivers.
Cast: Vince Vaughn (Wedding Crashers, Couples Retreat) as David Wozniack; Cobie Smulders (Marvel’s The Avengers, TV’s “How I Met Your Mother”) as Emma, David’s Girlfriend & Chris Pratt (Moneyball, The Five-Year Engagement) as Brett, David’s Best Friend.
For full disclosure, I have been involved with this movie for 1 1/2 years. I visited the set and met Vince and Cobie in late 2012. It was fun but did not pique my interest. I then saw a preview in August, 2013 several months before the release during the Blogher13 conference. I wasn’t that excited to see the movie to be quite honest.
I can honestly say that it was terrific. The mommy bloggers sitting in the row in front of me got quite a kick out of how much sobbing I was doing. It was a very poignant movie for me as an adoptive dad. Vince was great and watching his progress from man-child to responsible adult and parent was incredible. We all also laughed a lot during the movie, so much so that I could not wait to see it again when I attended the red carpet event in LA! I had missed too many lines because of the laughter in the theater.
This is a must own DVD/Blu-ray!
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post.
Rosey says
I wanted to see this at the theater and didn’t get around to it in time. I will be picking up the DVD at some point. It looks really good.