Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a sidescrolling, action-fighting game that combines the striking art style and charming storytelling of Nickelodeon’s popular, animated series with the beat ‘em up feel of classic Turtles’ brawlers. With four-player, local, drop-in/drop-out co-op support (Xbox 360® games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Wii™ system from Nintendo only), players can truly play as Team TMNT as they team up to take down Shredder, Fishface and other Turtles Universe enemies across a dozen levels with a multitude of gameplay modes for a thrilling experience.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is now available on the Xbox 360 for $39.99, as well as Wii and Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system for $29.99. It is rated E 10+ (Everyone ages 10 and up) by the ESRB. For more Turtles updates, visit www.facebook.com/TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles.
Fight against the foot clan and the kraang, clean up the streets and sewers of NY, enjoy playing with your favorite TMNT weapons!
This is one of my son’s favorite series. We have many DVD’s, toys that were very recently showcased on the blog for the coming holiday season, and now a video game! It becomes very comfortable to play a video game from a franchise that he has such a strong affinity for and the familiarity makes it comfortable and relaxing vs the war games he is too young for and wants!
Disclosure: we received the video game for review. All opinions are always 100% honest and our own.
Christian Alejandro says
They definitely look different from when I was little. I’m glad TMNT still has a good fan base though!