Walt Disney Animation Studios, the studio behind “Tangled” and “Wreck-It Ralph,” presents “Frozen,” a stunning big-screen comedy adventure. Fearless optimist Anna (voice of Kristen Bell) sets off on an epic journey—teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven—to find her sister Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf (voice of Josh Gad), Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.
Frozen Opens Tomorrow, November 27th!
Nothing makes me happier than taking my son to a musical movie and then watching as he sits there mesmerized during the singing. As much as he likes to watch fighting and play with guns, he also has an appreciation for music. We went to see Frozen together and I was afraid that it might be too “girly” for him, but he loved it as much as I did. Sometimes I do not give the kid enough credit. The point is the movie is for both sexes, of all ages.
Frozen is not your typical love story with heroes and heroines. The good guys and the bad guys are not always who we think they are. And finding “true love” can mean more than one thing as you will find out!
Starting with two typically Disney type heroines, we quickly see there are vast differences in the girls. One has a dark secret who deals with it by completely shutting out her sister. We know that never ends well!
It is the adventures that ensue that keep us gripped in our chairs, and in this movie it is also the music. Idina Menzel is in this movie cast as Anna who belts out a song that I am sure at the minimum will be up for an Academy Award.
BUT WAIT! There is a new Mickey Mouse short, “Get a Horse.” This short blew me away! It is in 3D, and this clip does not do it justice, it is amazing!
Lastly, the part of all Disney animated movies that I enjoy the most is the great sense of humor the writers share! They know many adults are accompanying their kids to these movies and they leave us enough jokes to keep us entertained. Even more than that, Olaf the snowman is terrifically funny for everyone!
Disney’s new animated movie, Frozen, is not quite like all the other Disney animated movies. Sure there are Princesses, but they are not your usual Disney Princesses. Also, the villain, may not really be the villain. And true love may not be what true love has always been!
“Like” FROZEN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisneyFrozen
Follow FROZEN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DisneyAnimation
Visit the official website: http://www.disney.com/frozen
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post. I did receive a Frozen gift bag for attending. All opinions are always 100% honest and my own.
And because I am forever corny:
Liza @ Views From the 'Ville says
We took my daughter to see this at our local premiere the other day (though they didn’t have anything cool like an ice sculpture!). It was so, SO good. My toddler already asked if we could “go see the movie about the sisters” again when her sissy gets home from college. It was so good I bought the soundtrack! And that Mickey short was a nice special touch.
Amanda says
Our family cannot wait to see this movie! It looks sooo good!
Danielle says
Love your holiday card! We saw the Frozen screening and the kids are begging me to take them to see it again!
Lolo says
We thought the movie was amazing! I loved that it was not the same old storyline.
Camille says
Aw, I love that last photo of you! We’re surprising the kids and taking them right after school on Wednesday. Can’t wait!
Susan says
we are going to see this movie, this weekend I can not wait, this looks great!
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
I cannot wait to take my girls to see this. They are excited and already love Olaf. 🙂 Love the pic btw!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
We just saw Frozen last night. Loved it. And my son laughed his butt off at the short!
Sara Zielinski says
This looks like the perfect movie to see over Xmas vacation
Melissa says
I was just reading an article today, that said Frozen is the best disney movie made since Lion King. It sounds like a great movie and I am excited to go see it.
Chris @ Buff Daddio says
Have to agree on that final photo – awesome! Like you, I was surprised my 2 boys wanted to go see this but they saw a trailer and asked so we’re going next week!
Cinny says
Awww, how cute! I really want to watch this too. I didn’t get a chance to go to our local screening. Can’t wait to see it though.
mel says
I am so excited to take Hayley to see this!!!!! Two more days!
Amber Edwards says
I seriously can’t wait to see this movie! We have been anxiously waiting for it for months and months!
Krystle(Baking Beauty) says
This looks like such a heartwarming movie.