Please follow these hashtags: #DeliveryManEvent and #ThorDarkWorldEvent to see what I am up to in Los Angeles!
And, I need your help! What should I ask these movie stars when I interview them! Remember to keep it clean, and keep it about these movies please!
Delivery Man Movie Interviews:
Group interview with Chris Pratt (“Brett”) & Cobie Smulders (“Emma”) from DELIVERY MAN
Group interview with Vince Vaughn (“David Wozniak” in DELIVERY MAN)
Thor: The Dark World Interviews:
Group interview with Tom Hiddleston (“Loki” in THOR: THE DARK WORLD)
Group interview with Jaimie Alexander (“Sif” in THOR: THE DARK WORLD)
Group interview with Zachary Levi (“Fandral” in THOR: THE DARK WORLD)
Disclosure: Disney invited me on a press junket and paid all of my expenses. No other compensation was received. All opinions are always 100% my own and honest.
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