I recently had the opportunity to visit my local Office Depot and enjoy some breakfast with some local teachers:
It was lot of fun to sit in between the office and school supplies on Office Depot’s comfortable desk chairs! This 2 hour breakfast was a way for Office Depot to give back to teachers, and to offer some freebies as they had raffles going on all morning! And here’s why:
Office Depot recognizes these contributions teachers make every day to support students:
$1,000: Out-of-pocket amount spent by the average teacher each year on essential classroom supplies,
92%: Percentage of teachers who report spending their own money on classroom supplies,
$1.3 billion: Total out-of-pocket amount spent nationally by teachers on classroom supplies each year.
Did you Know the ways Office Depot supports teachers:
Teacher Appreciation Events: Office Depot celebrates hard-working teachers for their dedication and commitment to students’ success. Beginning in late July, Office Depot will host its annual, complimentary Teacher Appreciation Breakfast to kick off eight days of teacher shopping advantages.
Teacher Rewards Program: Members receive personalized promotions on products or services that are relevant to them, access to special in-store events and exclusive pre-sale offers on new products, allowing educators to choose how they get rewarded.
5% Back to Schools Program: To help teachers, parents and schools earn free supplies and alleviate out-of-pocket expenses, every School Supplies Checklist that a teacher creates links to their corresponding school code so that shoppers who use their teacher’s list can help their schools get 5% back for free supplies.
I am happy to participate and share this information with you, in case you did not realize we had a major retailer trying to help all of us, teachers, parents, and students. Again, it is the school budget that always seems to be the first item cut to the bare bones in a tough economy, and the last to be replenished.
Thank-you Office Depot for thanking teachers with:
-Free breakfast on Saturday to kick off the week.
-20% instant discount on qualifying items.
-30 points on every $1 spent on products from event’s sponsors (typical rewards are 10 points/$1)
-Special gift with $10 purchase:
Families can sign up for Office Depot Rewards program and teachers can use the same sign up for the Star Teacher program: . I encourage everyone to sign up!
Here are 2 of my favorite reasons to head to Office Depot this week, these Aug 25-31 great deals:
Triple Recycling Reward Points. 600 points per cartridge recycled ink cartridge with a purchase of $50 or more of HP ink (limit 5 cartridges).
Paper Promotion. 3000 points (61 points/$1) on 1 Hammermill SKU.
I love loyalty programs that reward me, and I have always shared with you how I love ink cartridge reward bonuses. And yes, I have cheated, I took my dads used ink cartridges and am bringing them in this week!
Disclosure: I am participating in the #ODRewards campaign sponsored by Office Depot. All opinions are always 100% honest and my own. For more information, about Office Depot Rewards, visit their .
Christian Alejandro says
I’m glad they do this for teachers. Awesome rewards.
Amber Edwards says
That is a brilliant move by Office Depot! Seriously I love how they are supporting the schools, education and teachers. I think it is abhorrent that teachers have to pay out of pocket for so many school supplies. It is wrong because they don’t get paid enough as it is! And then they have to give even more of our meager income to our kids’ education. I love when programs help to give back so more of the teacher’s money can help provide for their own family, and so our kids can all get the education they need.
Camille says
My husband’s a teacher and we have many friends who head over to Office Depot for their teacher rewards! We happen to refuse to spend our personal money on supplies for the school, but I know many teachers who do and this is a great help.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I knew there was something or other in place but wasn’t sure exactly what it involved, so thanks!
Sofia says
It is sad that the school districts misuse the money so much. And it is even worse that the teachers have to use their own money for their classes. It is great of Office Depot to help teachers. Even a little goes a long way!
PS: We went to Office Depot to get my son’s school supplies!! 🙂
Mariah says
I love when businesses show appreciation for teachers and give back! Teachers are so important!
isis says
Glad to know Office Depot has this kind of program. Teachers need to be appreciated for what they do. Especially now in California (or maybe just in the Bay Area, not too sure) because of a new law that says parents shouldn’t shoulder any school supply expenses — which means teachers will have to shell out their own money for supplies etc.
Angela says
Sounds like a fabulous event. I love what Office Depot is doing to support teachers, schools and education!
Sheila says
I love to see when companies do things like this. Yeah Office Depot 🙂
tiffany dover says
So cool of Office Depot to do this! Also very glad that they are supporting teachers in this way! Teachers never get recognized the way they should!