THE CROODS is a 3D comedy adventure that follows the world’s first modern family through the journey of a lifetime. When the cave that has always been their home is destroyed – with the rest of their world not far behind it – The Croods are forced to set off on the first family road (or path) trip. Rocked by generational clashes and seismic shifts, The Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures, and a future beyond any they imagined.
We still go to a lot of animated movies. My son is almost 10, but animated movies, especially now that most of them are in 3D, are still highly enjoyable for both of us.
This movie falls into the highly enjoyable category! I honestly did not have high expectations, although I should know that Dreamworks would not disappoint. The story of a disgruntled teenage girl is nothing new for any of us in America. The fact that she was pre-historic made no difference. Naturally she had an overprotective dad, and he is who I related to most of all. I love how he stubbornly tried to protect his daughter by doing the same thing that many generations of dads in his family had done before him. Luckily this rebellious daughter’s timing was just right to save the family from the changes that were about to start on planet Earth.
And of course a boy was involved! Whether he wanted to be or not! I really liked how Eep was not just a mushy girl with a crush though, she was a cave girl and she knew how to take care of herself. She did not grow weak around the guy, there is too much of that in the movies and TV.
The 3D effects were also top notch. My spouse and I have left many a 3D movie and asked ourselves what the effect added to the picture, and we usually think very little. I loved the way the 3D had you feeling like things were falling on you, and especially at one point where we all thought we were about to get burned by ash! Now those are some good effects.
And I got to interview Kirk De Micco & Chris Sanders! They both wrote and directed The Croods! Here you see us with one of the supporting actors in the movie, Belt!
We didn’t just interview these guys, we also suggested that a part 2 or a TV show should come out of this! Our group was almost all parents with children and we tend to watch the movie for ourselves and through our children’s eyes, at least I do. It was great to report to Kirk and Chris that the movie entertained young and old alike, and we would love more!
I was shocked to find out that the original story of The Croods was written by John Cleese of Monty Python, etc. fame! I had no idea! No wonder that it was so funny. And the other note, when you talk to people like Chris and Kirk, besides realizing that animated movies take years to produce, is the passion these guys have. The actors come in for a day of work every few months, these guys are living and breathing the movie over the course of 3 years or even more! In the days before I got to interview animators and film makers, I thought most of the work was simple computer programming & CGI. I could not be further off base.
It was great to sit and listen to these guys as they explained their process in coming up with the final story: the dad who is completely inflexible, the guy that comes rolling in, metaphorically “on a motorcycle” to take away the dad’s daughter, and the epiphany’s that all must have to work together, adapt, and survive. And teamwork: “These two groups not only have to need each other very much, but neither can have all the answers and be perfect. When you put them together, things are much better.” Grug’s inflexibility must adapt to a changing world, and Guy’s brilliant ideas are helpful, but not always the only thing needed to get out of a nasty situation.
Lastly, my favorite part of listening to the guys that actually wrote and directed The Croods is hearing how they are open to adapting their work to the actors and actresses, who once they come in for their lines, end up moving the picture in a different direction. Sometimes minor, sometimes major, but each actor’s personality can then be seen in their animated character from this collaboration.
You will enjoy this colorful animated prehistoric movie. My son loved it, and I didn’t even realize he had read the book before we left the house (the video game folks had sent that along) and memorized all the wonderful species the writers had come up with! If only he were as interested in his school work as much as he was into The Croods, that he couldn’t wait to memorize their story!
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Disclosure: I received tickets to a preview of the movie. All opinions are 100% honest and my own.
Kim @ What's That Smell? says
This movie looks so fun, I can’t wait to take my kids!
Teresa Young says
Thanks for the great review & background info. We plan to see this with the grandkids over Easter recess.
Lisa R says
This looks like an awesome movie. I already love the characters in this one. So cool
sibabe64 at ptd dot net