Paperman is a black-and-white animated short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The short blends traditional animation and computer animation. It is directed by John Kahrs. It will be shown in theaters before the Disney movie, Wreck It Ralph, both opening on November 2.
The remarkable information behind this new animated short is that it blends 2 different animation techniques, CGI and hand drawn animation. I had the opportunity to view the film and also have a discussion about it with the producer, Kristina Reed. Whatever appreciation I will ever have for any project has to automatically double when I hear someone talk about their own project like it is their child, as in this case. Their emotion, enthusiasm, and the pride associated with their hard work is contagious.
Ms. Reed explained that the movie took almost 14 months to film. Because it was a short, they would get 10 animators every so often, when they were between projects to work on this material. She also explained how exciting it was to be part of this new technique, and how they want to see what the response is from other animators. Very exciting stuff!
The story is about a young man in 1940’s/50’s Manhattan who has a quick subway stop interlude with a beautiful woman. As they part, taking 2 different trains in opposite directions, his sadness is palpable as we are all feeling, especially him, that this was the woman of his dreams, now lost forever. Then he gets a second chance when he spots her across the street, in an interview, in another building. The expressiveness captured was remarkable. He tries to throw paper airplanes across the street to get her attention, but it is all for naught. But that is all I can say, you’ll have to see the short film for yourself!
I had the opportunity to preview this on my Disney movie junket and thought it was very poignant and sweet. I then got to see it again with a full audience in NYC at a Wreck-It Ralph preview. The audience ate it up! It is an extra treat for everyone going to the movies this weekend!
Disney created a new technology by mixing computer generated images and animation. It will be exciting to see what happens with this new tech down the road.
The film is simple, beautiful, and a great story is conveyed in just a few minutes. Again, I am completely prejudiced as I spoke to the people who worked on this film, I felt their unbridled enthusiasm up close, and saw the final product with them. My own appreciation for this type of work has also been increased because I was able to get a glimpse into the journey these artists are on as they create this experience for us movie goers.
Again, this is an extra, sweet treat, a wordless love story if you will, to enjoy before the new blockbuster, Wreck-It Ralph. You will not be disappointed!
Follow Paperman on Facebook and Twitter #Paperman.
Disclosure: Disney invited me on a press junket and paid all of my expenses. No other compensation was received. All opinions are always 100% my own and honest.
wow can’t wait to watch this!
I have been hearing alot of really good things about this short! I think it looks amazing! I love that it is a silent short.