I have recently started to review phones and was happy with the Windows 7 phone I sampled, but then realized that I can never leave Verizon so I had to look for a new phone again. I am grandfathered in to my unlimited data plan with Verizon.
I upgraded to a smart phone over 2 1/2 years ago and have decided not to stay with Blackberry. The Samsung Galaxy S III has all the features I need as a blogger on the go. It is easier for me to type on (tweeting from the Blackberry was very unpleasant for me and my fat fingers).
I had purchased a tablet at the beginning of the year so I could update my social media status on the road. It is OK to bring to events, but it does get quite cumbersome to carry and worry about, I live in NYC, these things get lost and stolen all the time. The Samsung Galaxy S III suits my social media needs perfectly. I love to Facebook and Tweet all day long, and I especially love to do so with pictures of our various activities. After all, don’t my 8000 twitter followers need a picture of the soup dumplings I am about to eat at Joe’s Shanghai in Chinatown? And, don’t they need that picture as I am eating? For me the Vivid 4.8″ HD Super AMOLEDâ„¢ display makes me feel like I am working with a mini tablet, not a phone. I love that! And the touch screen for writing is much better for my fat fingers.
A mini tablet. We went shopping yesterday for my spouse. My son and I were bored. We sat and watched you-tube’s funniest videos. On my Samsung Galaxy S III. Together we viewed and heard the videos perfectly. We were entertained, and my son was thrilled to have a new toy to borrow, and show off how good he is at finding fun stuff on the Internet.
The app and game selection is plenty for my needs. My son liked the choices for himself, I do give him my phone in emergencies, like when we are at a restaurant with nothing for him to do and we want all members of the family to come out alive! And dragging my most important apps to the front screen is easy, I want the tools I use most often to be quickly accessible.
And the phone! I even get acceptable reception inside my apartment. I do not with the Blackberry.
This is my non tech review. It is a great phone option. My only problem came when my fat fingers hit screens accidentally, the phone is very sensitive to the touch, which is something I am getting used to. But I much prefer that to the pounding I had to do to get my old phone to work.
The phone has a host of other capabilities, many of which I am going to explore in the next few weeks. The video options seem extraordinary. You can play HD movies on the 720p display. You can play a video in a picture-in-picture window, just like with your TV. You can play video thumbnails as movie clips. You can adjust the play speeds of your videos.
For more information visit Samsung Galaxy S III on the web.
You can also continue the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosure: I received this phone for review. All opinions are 100% honest and my own.
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