My computer went down Monday morning. I immediately called Staples as I had purchased my HP desktop from them and also bought a service plan. Wouldn’t you know the service plan didn’t include my issues. When I used to own Dell computers the service plan covered more so I assumed this plan would as well when I purchased it. Well, you know what happens when you ass_u_me.
My point is, read your service plan before you buy it. I didn’t.
So I thought it might be a virus and I called my virus protection people. I was routed to a company in India that said, no problem, they could fix everything for $200. I said no thank-you.
I called my local Staples in Union Square in NYC. Luckily the woman that sold me the desk top answered the phone. She proceeded to help me better than I could possibly have expected. And I didn’t get his name, but she had the support of her manager. I paid for back-up service (you know I had various credits to cover that!) which is a ridiculous expense for idiots that don’t back up their own computers! And, what is really funny, I had my 4 gig drive for back up ready to go as I had planned to do it. Ha!
I am writing this blog post for 2 reasons. When I like a store I become a regular and everyone in the store gets to know me, and I them. This makes for an incredibly nice experience, whether it is the local restaurant, supermarket, drugstore, or Staples! It also makes the NYC you may have read about, with its millions of inhabitants, seem not overwhelming. My Manhattan is a small town and I love it.
The second part of the story is that you do meet nice people along the way who step up to the plate and go the extra mile when you need them to. That’s why I am writing this, I want the Staples corporate office to know their Union Square staff is superior and give me good reason to never shop anywhere eslse for the products they offer! I am a blogger. My lifeline is my computer. I was in a very stressed state, so having help made all the difference with this experience. For that I am grateful.
Disclosure: This is in no way a compensated post. It is just a story about how the employees of a large store went the extra mile to perform exceptional customer service.
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