Ever played on a giant teeter-totter, 866 feet above the ground? With the X-Scream, you can! Its space age, yet simplistic design resembles a massive teeter-totter or a Vegas rollercoaster unlike any other ever seen. X-Scream propels you and several other riders headfirst, 27 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower. Try not to scream when you go over the edge — you don’t want to scare the other riders! After being shot over the edge, you’ll dangle weightlessly above the Las Vegas Strip before being pulled back and propelled over again for more.
Experience Insanity and walk away to tell the tale!
A seesaw without the fulcrum tips you over the 109th floor of the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas. Can you see it at the very top of those 2 pictures?
I would say this was something from my spouse’s bucket list. I was very proud that he did this. He had no trouble getting up to the observation deck but said if my nephew hadn’t run onto the ride, he would have left due to the abject fear that started to build within him.
The seesaw tilts over the wall of the top of the hotel and yo are looking straight down, feeling as if the end is near and you will soon be crashing to Earth! And then you tip back onto what seems like safer ground, until you tip over again!
You can’t tell from this picture, but my spouse’s hands were shaking for 10 minutes after. My 13 year old nephew said it was scary, but it did not seem to have the impact it had on my spouse.
He lived to tell the story and he got to do something he had been thinking about since our first Vegas trip 11 years ago. He won’t be going up again! And congratulation!
OMG, PBV!!! What the heck were you thinkin’??