My son has a Jewish dad and a Catholic dad.
So he gets 2 holidays from 2 families filled with presents, poor kid.
And Chanukah came first! We started it early as we ended up rescuing 2 fish from a Greek restaurant where they refused to be cooked. So guess which 2 schmucks went out and bought their kid an entire fish tank?
Then my parents and sister came over to celebrate the holiday early as we are all so busy and cannot get together during the week. (Plus I wanted to take my parents out for their 56th Wedding Anniversary! How the heck does anyone do that???)
My son got 2 large Lego sets from my mom (that I purchased on her behalf of course, I have to keep a running list of the thousand different sets that we have!). I also threw in a 2 wrestler pack from Target, it was on sale and Ray Mysterio, my son’s favorite wrestler, was one of the action figures.
My son is so funny – he didn’t even see the Legos, he just jumped right in and started playing with the wrestlers in his wrestling ring (thanks Kmart!) with my sister. The reason this situation is so funny is that on the first night of Chanukah I gave him 4 Lego sets, and I became his hero! I see I have to be careful when I mix gift genre’s!
Christmas Eve we exchange gifts at the in-laws for Christmas as all the cousins separate to be with the other side of their families. My son the drummer got light up drum sticks, you know he did not put them down all evening, even as we drove to an aunt’s house to continue the party! He also got some cash, so my new job is trying to keep him from spending every penny he has on his new fish tank, the interior designer in hm is starting to blow up!
Here is my in-laws tree, decorated perfectly as usual!
Love the tree! Sounds like a great time was had by all. Happy holidays!
i think thats wonderful he can celebrate both holidays what a great idea
Aw, what a happy holiday!
2011 must be the Christmas of the aquarium – that is what my 8 year old grandson got as well.
sounds like ya’ll had a blast!
That is a lovely tree! and lucky kiddo to get gifts from two holiday celebrations 🙂
happy holidays! i am a little jealous not so much of the gifts but of all the amazing holiday meals your family must have had!
I love that you all fully celebrate and enjoy both – double the fun, and double the traditions/special memories, for Paul!!!
So cool! 🙂
Your son is a lucky boy. He’ll learn two religions as he grows up, which should give him a wonderful outlook on life. Happy holidays to your family, Mitch!
Your son had a good haul! I hope you and yours had the very best holiday ever. Charlotte
Let us know – is he going to be a Bar Mitzhah boy?
WOW! WHERE do you put everything! LOL
Max did well, but he won’t even look at anything other than his skylanders…wants them all! Who knew! xoxo
Happy Holidays! Happy to hear your son had a great time with both families!