Stopping bullying is the hot topic of the day and becomes even more important to discuss in light of the latest publicized suicide of a young person due to bullying. The increasing usage of social media makes it easier to increase the effectiveness of bullying, so it is a great idea to use social media to combat it as well. Hence the following information.
Facebook and Time Warner Inc. announced the launch of the Stop Bullying: Speak Up Social Pledge App, an interactive social media pledge that enables educators, parents and students to make a personal commitment—and recruit others to join them—to help stop bullying. This news comes on the heels of a previously announced partnership to bring together and expand Facebook and Time Warner’s individual efforts against bullying.
This new social pledge app, accessed at, and named after the original bullying prevention initiative by Cartoon Network, represents the latest development in both companies’ long-term commitment to integrate broadcast, print, online and social media to inspire thoughtful conversation and share useful information and resources about bullying prevention, including situational recommendations for young victims and bystanders. Facebook, CNN, Cartoon Network and Time Inc. (People, Sports Illustrated and Time) will bring together their considerable resources and reach to hundreds of millions of people to promote the app with a comprehensive multi-platform campaign.
Download this today and alert everyone you know to do the same so we can stop bullying!
I think this is awesome! As a mom of a 13 yr old middle school son I have witnessed bullying first hand! My son is an outgoing friendly child and you wouldnt think he would ever have a reason to be bullied but unfortunately kids dont need a reason. They bully just to bully. I read where a girl posted on my sons facebook page “You should just kill yourself and make me happy” ! Gladly my son doesnt let these things get to him and told me immediately about it. Needless to say the girl and I and her mom had a conversation! It wasnt that this girl was a known bully. She was going along with her “friends”. This wasnt the first time or the last my child has been bullied and it makes me furious! Its needless things like this that cause children to take their lives! I reassure my son every day how much he is loved as every parent should. I want bullying to become a crime punishable by law and it will stop the senseless deaths of our precious children. Thanks for this post! I’m an avid follower of your blog!!!