We woke up to a beautiful day, some puddles, but the rain had stopped.
It did take us an additional 5 hours to get out of the house!
And get out we did. We headed east to the river to survey the aftermath of Ms. Irene. In our community there were some branches down. The ritzier community on the other side of the street however did not fare as well. Huge trees were uprooted. My son helped us determine the damage! We are not experts, but we do surmise that some of the plantings could have been done a little bit deeper, the various root systems that we saw did not seem like they had grown deep enough down into the soil. That is our un-expert opinion!
And the port-a-potties remain unharmed. Phew!
Yakini @ThePrissyMommy says
Oh my gosh!!! That uprooted tree is scary. So glad this is all over, and my prayers are definitely with folks who weren’t as fortunate as us.
Rhonda @Laugh Quotes says
I am glad you are safe. Your pictures wouldn’t load for me. I’ll try again tomorrow.