WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – BUT IS IT ART! December 1, 2010 by Mitch 4 Comments It stands right out in public for all to see in the Time Warner building in Manhattan. I refuse to show the front view! Very Botero-esque?
1 Dishesdone says December 1, 2010 at 1:07 PM Only in NY, LOL, only in NY 🙂It’s an eye opener! Reply
2 And Miles To Go... says December 1, 2010 at 4:04 PM wow. This is the first post I saw this morning. What a way to wake up 🙂 Reply
Only in NY, LOL, only in NY 🙂
It’s an eye opener!
wow. This is the first post I saw this morning. What a way to wake up 🙂
Whoa!!! That is some statue! 🙂
My goodness, what art!