“Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales is inspired by Disney/Pixar’s wildly popular animated shorts of the same name. A follow up last year’s successful Wii release, Toy Story Mania!, Cars Toon: Mater’s Tall Tales is part of the Mania! video game franchise, featuring fast-paced, multiplayer, family fun. The game is a frenzied pick-up-and-play experience to be enjoyed by everyone in the room. With up to four players at once, Mania! games reward competitiveness and cooperation among players.
The game will bring Mater together with Lightning McQueen and the “Cars” gang for a new set of adventures, capturing the endearing sense of humor of everyone’s favorite tow truck. Players will join Mater and his pals as they relive the wild stories he conjures up about hilariously unpredictable events that may or may not have taken place. The voice of everyone’s favorite tow truck, Mater, will be supplied by Daniel Whitney, “Larry the Cable Guy,” who also voices the character in the film and cartoon shorts.”
We were sent a copy of the above Mater’s Tall Tales Wii to review (disclosure). My son has not been interested in the Cars franchise in awhile, so I did not know if this would interest him, he does not have a large range video wise, so far it has only been Lego characters and Brooklyn plumbers.
I was wrong! he loved this Wii! It is full of car chases (and maybe a car wreck or two, that’s right up a boy’s alley!). When we go to video arcades he loves to sit down and ride the car video games, and while this is not like that experience physically, he is able to drive while at home, something he has wanted to do for a long time.
So this video game gets a 4 star review from my in-house video reviewer, my 7 1/2 year old son!
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