My son came home from school with this art work and said it was what he looked like when there was no bacon in the house on the weekend. I cannot make this stuff up!
OMG! That is just too funny! Aren’t you glad you’re blogging about this and will have PROOF to show him when this story comes up at some holiday celebration in years to come? LOL. Hope you’re fully stocked up now L)
AWESOME! That sounds like something my oldest daughter would say and do. Visiting here from “And Miles to Go” and I love what I see! Nice to meet you! 🙂
OMG! That is just too funny! Aren’t you glad you’re blogging about this and will have PROOF to show him when this story comes up at some holiday celebration in years to come? LOL. Hope you’re fully stocked up now L)
LOL–I would be too. ALWAYS keep bacon on hand!
LOL Perfectly understandable reaction!
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
LOL love it 🙂 My now 3 year old recently discovered bacon. She’s going to be a fan for life.
AWESOME! That sounds like something my oldest daughter would say and do. Visiting here from “And Miles to Go” and I love what I see! Nice to meet you! 🙂
Hysterical! Don’t forget the bacon this week! 🙂
That’s pretty scary stuff! Better get some bacon in the house. Hahahaha!!!