Are crazy.
This is the last month of school.
There are 3 1/2 days and 1 day off.
Who’s idea is this?
The teachers union or the Dept of Education?
It is an absurd month, it is surely not about education.
Clearly the teachers union is to blame for the last day of school being on a Monday and being a half day. That screw up was given to us at the end of last year, any outside observer can see it is just plain stupid, the union is only about helping their employees, in 2 years in Public School I have seen nothing that says they care about the children. It’s all about money and power, they get no respect from me, especially when I see them protect inept teachers. Their fight against charter schools is the other example of their lack of concern for the students, that should be the #1 concern.
Thank-you for letting me rant.
Until tomorrow, Jennifer says
I agree with you 100%… I would rather the kids forgo the 1/2 days and get out of school a few days earlier. Not to stir up more bad feelings but the great Mike Bloomberg is proposing that all 6th 7th and 8th graders no longer have yellow bs service. Due to budget cuts he wantt the kids to find their own way and cut out their metro cards
Rosiane says
wait, how about: next year the first day falls on a wednesday. Then we have Thursday and Friday off. Back again on Monday. Why not just start on Monday? Go figure!