It seems my genius son has no trouble making age 7 complex Lego models. His Aunt Christine let him pick this out for his birthday at Target, that’s when they caught m there last Saturday! He was very excited to have his choice in a toy aisle, but I hope he doesn’t get used to making his own decisions!
So here’s my screw-up. I have purchased a lot of these Lego sets over the last 1-2 years. (I had to be taught that this is the best toy for boys, I was investing in action figures which are way boring compared to being able to build all day long for years!).
If you think about it (and I NEVER do), what do you do with 10 different sets of Lego models after you open them? It is probably not optimal to put them in bins (thanks Bed, Bath, & Beyond for your many different sizes of containers!) and combine all the pieces. Saving all these boxes with all their respective pieces was not going to work in a 2 bedroom apartment, I need a large suburban home to properly store my son’s collection! Too late now, Spongebob’s rocket ship and Indiana Jones airplane are all mixed up together, I hope someone out there can learn from my mistakes!
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