My son is in the 95% for height and 98% for weight. For me that translate to an A+! Everything is graded in school, he has always been an A student at these stats!
I love Pediatric Associates. I started with a Dr.’s office that was closer to my home because a family with twins in my building recommended them. The practice I am at now is almost 1 mile away (this is not suburbia where you can just drive there), but I am VERY happy. They are open until 8pm during the week (my son, at 5 1/2 years old, had an ear infection, something he never complained about until that day, and they took us at 730 pm, I was thrilled!) and for sick visits on the weekends. This is very useful for the parents of an active city kid, you never know what scrapes or ring worm situation is going to occur!.
All the literature when you are having a baby says get friendly with the people who work in the pediatricians office. That is something that comes naturally to me, I still remember my 5 month old in his Geoffrey the giraffe costume, at the Dr.’s office, they all enjoyed our visit that day and did not forget us. Of course it is easy to be nice to an office full of nice people, I guess we got lucky!
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