Lost is over, Flash Forward didn’t make it, and Jack Bauer is gone from TV. Hopefully I will get to sleep again! I have to wait until my 2 boys are asleep before I can catch up on my shows. That means I do not sleep! Do you think it is easy to unwind from 2 hours of “24” They actually made Chloe O’Brien cry. That was amazing enough, and of course Jack Bauer was spared from death with only seconds left.
I thoroughly enjoyed all 8 seasons f 24, I even had that in common with my mom! Unfortunately, she tapes so many shows and has so little time in her retirement that she probably won’t see the finale for another 2 weeks. I will have moved on by then! Kiefer Sutherland did a great job on this show and I would definitely see a movie if they produce one next. Leave it to Hollywood to wring every last cent out of everything! That’s why there may yet be a Shrek 5!
Lost left me lost. I am sure there is a lot of that on the web this week. A lot of the couple scenes were quite moving, but I don’t get why these folks had to wait so long to get into heaven. When I get back to the gym I am sure my buddies, who have been scouring the Internet, will have some answers. Cause that was my reason for being unable to sleep yesterday!
And they didn’t pick up Flash Forward. I enjoyed the show, I watch all the science fiction and comedy I can squeeze into my day. I have 2 DVR’s after all! I will be thank-full for all the sleep I can catch up though and there will be that much less ice cream that I will be sneaking every evening!
I am feeling a little lost no pun intended. My DVR queue will be very empty in the next week or so. But, I also have to wait till the kid is sleeping to catch up on the finales. Hopefully there will be some decent shows this summer season.