Yesterday a boy from school brought a toy gun to the playground. Naturally my son wanted to do the same today. But, the 2nd Amendment does not work in my house, my son does not have the right to bear arms. Cause of course he thought he could go to school packing heat. NO! Of course not, but he wanted me to bring his assassin helmet and his toy power ranger guns for after school. I told him I do not allow weapons out of the house, and he knows this as it is an old rule. I got 20 minutes of arguments this morning, we left for school crying.
I said something to the mom from yesterday who said her son snuck the weapon into his backpack before school. No surprises, i never know what I am going to see come out of my sons pockets some days. I told her the disruptive morning we had, and all the flack I got from my son: I don’t care, I treat him like dirt, etc. In Manhattan a lot of kids are not even allowed to play with water guns, he is lucky some regular guns snuck into the house (did I absolve myself of responsibility just then?). I have to stand firm because if I lose one fight, I will lose them all. The drama that a parent has to go through just to get through the day! Cause of course I am then responsible for the afternoon’s entertainment as I did not allow him his 1 toy. Do I need to show up with circus accoutrement just to get through an afternoon??
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