The most dynamic new Bakugan characters are being introduced, featuring new looks, attack features, shapes, and sizes. Bakugan is a strategic trading card game that includes the fun of transforming action figures. The brand has reenergized boys’ action toys and continues to do so with new gaming strategies and shooting skills that take competition to a whole new level.
I was at an exciting event thrown by www.timetoplaymag.com. The event was to introduce a number of new toys for the coming season, movie tie-ins, etc. Did you know there is a lot of toy buying when it is not Christmas/Hanukkah time? I knew that, you can check my ToysRus rewards account, I toy shop 12 months a year! And, I am a huge Bakugan fan, we have possibly the largest collection in America, my son doesn’t even know about the stuff still hidden in the closet. These new introductions look to be another exciting innovation in the market!
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