My 1st grade teacher came back from maternity leave at the beginining of January nad made a very big deal about being on time to class, even making up her own time frame that did not fit in with the school rules. We let her know she was out of line and now she considers that we have a grace period if we arrive after 820 am, until 825, at which point a late pass is required from the office. So why can’t you open your door at the promised 820 am? You have 2 meetings a week with parents and you don’t care to keep to your own schedule? Every morning I impress upon my son the importance of being on time and he responds that he doesn’t care. I explain that I care and that’s all he has to know at this point. So, how do I teach him to be on time if the teacher doesn’t care about the rules?
Here’s how.
1. Tell the teacher running her meetings late is inappropriate. Have her tell me I need to be flexible.
2. Tell the assistant Principal that I think the class should start on time (I am Mussolini like in that regard).. Have her tell me don’t I like extra consideration, I explain I have never received any at this school.
3. Finally (so far) go to the Principal and tell her that the teacher cannot open the door to the class on time.
We shall see if that worked or if we go to the district office, my school administration has trouble sticking to their own rules.
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