I will be carefully editing my Sunday posts as my in-laws have found my blog.
They may not have the sense of humor that I have, they’ll get over it when they sign the sit-com contract!
The first phone call came from my in-laws saying no one was going to their house that Sunday, uh oh, we had no back up plan and we had had our day of rest on Saturday.
The second phone call was an invite from my father-in-law to go to my brother-in-laws house for the Super Bowl. Phew!
I had to make a follow-up phone call for the details as I seem to have to handle the nitty gritty since I get the wrong info 50% of the time. Turns out the invite was for 3 pm, not earlier as we had been told, so we should meet at my niece’s basketball game. That was a lot of fun, better than sitting outside a locked house!
Dinner at an Italian house hold starts with an extensive pasta first course YUM!
Turns out the second course was cooked by my mother-in-law and transported over to the party. My mother-in-law has impaired vision so that was her excuse for over peppering the pork roast and over salting the broccoli rabe. When she cooks and we eat at her house the pepper and salt come out fine. I’m just saying. I mentioned that it would be funny if I were to suggest on my blog that there was some sabotage here, suggesting that my mother-in-law has to have the best dinners at her house – but she is not competitive like that! Didn’t I see this on an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond?
There was a conversation for the third Sunday in a row about disposal of a dead body, I am afraid to go i to too much detail, as they are always looking over at me. My mother-in-law keeps pushing for acid to destroy the evidence. Lets make believe this is all in the spirit of fun cause they all enjoy the morbid show, Dexter!
But if the blogs mysteriously stop…..
I mistakenly erased a comment. In its place I will note that my sister-in-law thought she would be serving 2 and instead ended up serving 72 (I embellish!). She did a great job, and I am always grateful for a day I don;t have to cook (or order in!)>