Is horrific when you consider the last President Bush let the army get rid of 25 Arab linguists due to this policy making this policy more important than the supposed war on terror. You mean fighting terrorism was not more important to Bush than these 25 gay army guys? Clearly whenever he said the war on terror was our highest priority he was just adding to his long list of lies. This to me is the epitome of absurdity.
Anyway, there have been many, many published articles, studies, etc., and the conclusion is clear – there is no problem with “out” gay people in the army. Cause thats what its about, them being out. They are there and always have been. Gays have been in the military the whole time! GASP! You did not know this? I have met several. Most other countries have ended this discriminatory policy years ago, I don’t know about Russia and China, but almost all major countries in the world have not had this policy for years and they report NO PROBLEMS! Haven’t we read of many problems in regards to heterosexual behavior that is inappropriate like rape of women and sexual harassment all over the place? Honey, it ain’t the gays that are your problem!
The best statement I heard in recent days came from every Democrat’s nemesis, Elizabeth Hasselbeck’s husband (she is the nemesis, not him). He said his friend related that there was a gay guy in his unit and he was known as a reliable and great soldier and none of the other guys had a problem with him. The other guys had problems with soldiers who were lazy and could not be relied upon. Turns out homosexuality is not an issue when you get into the trenches. Coming for a big time American quarterback (and handsome, too!) and a known Republican, I thought this was a great statement and helpful to Americans who were uncomfortable with the whole idea, cause as always, who cares what the people not fighting think, I want to hear the service men’s opinion who have to deal with this.
Lastly to all my hetero readers, gay history of recent times starts during WW2. Yes, that’s when we start our history books, that’s when masses of men went to war and the gays amongst them were able to find each other. So how can I be anti-war! This is not a joke, any gay history book will corroborate this information, gay men from all over the country were able to find each other through being together in the army, through whatever little hints and signals they dared give off. This is where we credit the gay rights movement in America! Hey, now I can add historian to my resume!
Thank-you President Obama!
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