Thank-you to
Her post today spoke of how her daughters 1st grade teacher had her daughter write her notes on the things she was doing to misbehave in class, instead of notes to classmates, as a more efficient way to get the student to “own” her behavior.
Within the 1/2 hour I brought this up to my teacher. I am tired of the negative reports. Yesterday I got a call from the Assistant Principal about his behavior. Take him out of the damn Winter Concert, we really don’t care, stop thinking this is a valid threat to us! You end up harassing my kid and that helps no one. My son is very individualistic and won’t conform in this school that is looking for robots. I let them push me around last year, I will go to the District for support next as the controlling behavior of this schools administartion often goes to far.
From New York City Single Mom. What was the reaction to the note? I was somewhat taken aback at first just because we talk about it everyday but to your point, the kids need to take ownership of their own actions. Your being called to the principals office can only do so much.
I only made the suggestion, we will see if it gets used. Needless to say I had to get proactive and make an appointment with the school guidance couselor, we asked for help, we were told we would get help, and now they have gone back to their old ways.