Nothing to report.
My son finally had a good day at school.
This was a rough week, he has a lot of behavioral work to do.
I just have to keep his attributes in tact until adulthood, he has a billion dollar personality that he has to rein in and I can’t let it be squashed by our Public School system.. My son is special, you see.
Friday is lunch with the girls day, one of our group got a job after another had moved to San Diego so we are down to 3. Not much too relay, we just talk school and parenting!
With all my shopping savvy I needed some things in town and it killed me to buy a 6 pack of toilet paper for $7 and $4.50 for mayo. This town is a rip-off, I feel like I give back my savings when I shop here!
Hey, it had to be done, i need an oven stuffer for dinner last night, I hope my spouse appreciates the home cooked meal! I actually cooked this chicken, rather than sneak it in from Costco!
Anonymous says
Your boy is very special and he is very lucky to have you and your husband! Love, MommyEsq