Day 5, Friday
My brother got toppled in the lazy, crazy river in the cave rapids, again this stuff is very,very funny!
We saw the 3 pm predator feeding, the most interesting being when the manta rays eat.
There are almost 5 public feedings every day as part of the Atlantean experience (and free, too!)
Cheap approved a water vehicle rental, it was like a tri-cycle on water in the lagon area. After 20 minutes the uy came out to tell us we had a flat, not easy to do with huge plastic tires! We had to exchange vehicles by climbing on jagged rocks and this man had the nerve to ask me if my grandson was OK! The very nerve!
This added an extra dimension to our activity and is was a lot of fun.
Dinner was at the Seafire grill, this restaurant had the best service of all the places we had eaten in. I cannot talk about the $150 bottle of wine as I found out n the trip that my whole family is reading this blog (that’s why I won’t give my in-laws the web address!) Note to all, there is no tax here but 15% gratuity is included in everything, even an ice cream cone purchase. I am OK with 15% instead of NYS 9% tax and 20% tip. I did ask the waiter to show the pile of fat I collected from my stea to ask the cook if this was an inordinate amount for a $50 steak, the answer was I got the good piece. Do you know how hard it was for me to not eat all that fat just to make my point!
Did I mention that my spouse has been “helping” my niece with her school book report every evening? And by helping I mean writing it! Just kidding A!
I am not a big gambler but I do enjoy the slot maching Wheel of Fortune. Twice I was took a tiny break to play it and twice I got caught by my family! And it is not a tiny casino, but it is in the middle of everything so you are always walking through. And one time I was watching my brother playing craps with my nephew and it sent my head spinning between the money flying out of my brothers hand (literally, he just throws it all over the table!) and the racy words that were being thrown apart, my poor ears!
Lastly, since I am a GAY parent, I am always on guard trying to see if I am noticed. We do not hide a t all, we are usualy walking with our son between us, all holding hands. I guess everyone down there thought I was a GRANDPA! Cause no one looked askance at us the whole trip except when a gorgeous guy would walk by and see my mouth drop to the floor! Just kidding!
So here’s why it was a great vacation. We go to the buffet and half way through the waiters and waitresses form a band and parade through the restaurant singing Bahamian tunes. What great entertainment and very unexpected!
Today our chaise lounge chairs were right on top of the music. I do not think we were prepared for a live band 20 feet away as we were tanning but it paid off later in the evening when the disco music came on and we were dancing in the pool! Iam fifty years old now so care less and less every day about being inhibited! I danced and everyone was looking – have you seen me on you-tube?
My son discovered the beach today so I ran off to the library to read the 250 emails I had neglected – next year I get a laptop for vacation and blogging!
Tonights dinner was at Carmine’s – yes the same one as in NY. I was not looking forward to family stlye (and the faux Italian food, my mother-in-law has trained me for better!) but it ended up being the funnest dinner, maybe cause we were uninhibited in a semi private area? No, not us, we don’t care where we are, we are always loud and gregarious!
And of course there was another Bahamian parade in the Marina – the fun never stops!
Last day, we did the lazy river, I am the only one my mother trusted (past tense) but we flipped over in the tsunami and then my nephew had to lift her back in as we were in a strong current! I couldn’t lift myself back in so he had to take her through the rest. I was almost kicked out of the will!
Earlier a boy was sitting with a plate of dirt on the side of the hotel as you exit toward the pools. As soon as my son saw the dirt he ran right over as the boy explained he was not a bum, he was waiting for someone (that was cute!). He explained that he had caught little hermit crabs at the beach so you know my son was off like a shot, catching all kinds of marine life all day, he had a BLAST!
Meanwhile, had I mentioned my son did a water slide that I couldn’t do? Its all over for me!
Dinner was at Mesa Grill, my spouse and I are not thrilled by Mexican food rubs so it was no big deal for us. I opened by big mouth and said the $17 soup appetizer seemed kind of small so i got an extra one from the waiter (unfortunately for him he didn’t get any extra tip), needless to say my big mouth backfired as I was then too full to finsh my steak! Busted again!
Now whats funny is a lady wandering through the restaurant seeing what people ordered so she could better make a decision for her own dinner. That’s is the type of crazy thing my people LOVE! My brother and parents talked to her for 15 minutes, and of course they had people in common, after all this ballsy lady was across the river form my brother in Scarsdale! My spouse says we all talk to strangers too much!
Advice from my sister-in-law 2 years ago was that the travel day is very stressful – her telling me this actually made me accept the stress and encompass it! It still sucks but I do not get crazy anymore. Our bus ride to the airport was a little trafficky but it was cool cause wouldn’t you know I was reading from my 12 step prayer book (GAY PEOPLE CAN PRAY TOO!) and the guy diagonally behind me remarked about having one as well – it’s a small world after all! We were on the same flight and I think he goes to meetings with my brother-in-law!
The flight kept having slight delays but we made it pretty much on time and did I mention there were 10 of us from my family on this flight? Of course the rest of them took a limo to the airport! And of course I had enough cereal in my bag to feed the whole plane! It sucks to be home but the Chinese food menu was out on the table, that is what we have been coming home to our last 10 trips – take-out Chinese food! The only thing left is the laundry…..
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